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Private: Have you tried Laughter Yoga?

A new practice has erupted regarding the way we do yoga. Only it’s not quite so new now. It’s been around for a while. It’s called Laughter Yoga. At first it may appear strange – all that clapping, chanting ‘ha ha’ and staring at each other until you are all laughing uncontrollably. You may feel a bit silly at first but it’s a lot of fun.

Aromatherapy for winter health

We are well into winter and many of us wishing for Spring. The season has taken its toll on our health sometimes via colds and flu, aches and pains and dry skin. Here are some tips to help you overcome these and carry you through to the new season.

Extra calcium important for your health

Calcium is not only important in having healthy bones and teeth but for other areas of the body such as getting our enzymes to function properly, blood clotting, taking care of the nervous system, having a healthy heart and muscle function.

Colonic Hydrotherapy and your health

Colonics is the cleaning of the large intestine by using water through a tube inserted into the bottom. Although it may not sound too good it can be an important process in keeping you healthy

Anaemia can be a serious health issue

Did you know that if it shows up in a blood test that you are anaemic it can cause you serious health problems? A deficiency in iron is just the start of it.


Did you know that insulin resistance is responsible for many illnesses including weight gain? It is also linked to free radical damage which can be the foundation of many major illnesses such as diabetes.

Study identifies effects of fungus on your digestion

In a recent study this month researchers found that fungus plays an important part in inflammatory diseases such as ulcerative colitis. Cedars-Sinai’s Inflammatory Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute found that the fungi in the large intestine were a model for the disease.

Boosting Your Brain Function and Circulation

A recent study done in England on multivitamins has shown that taking them can improve cognitive performance in both adults and children. The study was done by neuroscientists and they investigated the effects of multivitamins on moods and cognitive function.