Ayurveda’s art of obstetrics can reduce the chance of disturbance during your pregnancy. When the expectant mother is showered with love, this will filter through to the baby.
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The ongoing care of a female support person such as a doula can radically reduce the chance of caesarean. A doula is for your exclusive use, offering guidance, support and reassurance.
Therapies such as massage, kinesiology, osteopathy and acupuncture play an important role in treating a problem pregnancy.
The soaring epidural rates are distressing to say the least. Homebirths result in 70-80 per cent of births being procedure free – compared to 10 per cent of hospital births.
Treatment during pregnancy is intended to alleviate emotional and physical stress. Learn how homeopathy can restore the mind, body and soul to a feeling of wellbeing.
Alternative practitioners view a breech presentation differently from obstetricians. Their first instinct is to try different non-invasive ways to get the baby to turn.
The complications associated with circumision are not as rare as parents are led to believe. One in every 200 cases end in side effects with one in 500 leading to serious complications.
Pregnancy is a joyous occasion but it can also cause significant physical, mental and emotional upheaval. Aromatherapy can help you to achieve emotional balance.
Regular, gentle exercise is one of the simplest things you can do to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy.
Women who keep their body image positive before and after birth will have a more fulfilling experience of pregnancy. Love the skin you’re in!
Come on this journey through one of the most magical experiences of life. A personal account of one baby’s arrival into the world.
Active birth principles will allow you to assume control of the birthing process. You can move and change positions freely.