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blissful birth

Have a blissful birth

Ayurveda’s art of obstetrics can reduce the chance of disturbance during your pregnancy. When the expectant mother is showered with love, this will filter through to the baby.


Do you want an easier pregnancy?

The ongoing care of a female support person such as a doula can radically reduce the chance of caesarean. A doula is for your exclusive use, offering guidance, support and reassurance.


Be prepared for any type of birth

Alternative practitioners view a breech presentation differently from obstetricians. Their first instinct is to try different non-invasive ways to get the baby to turn.


To circumcise or not?

The complications associated with circumision are not as rare as parents are led to believe. One in every 200 cases end in side effects with one in 500 leading to serious complications.


Aromatherapy, a calm pregnancy and you

Pregnancy is a joyous occasion but it can also cause significant physical, mental and emotional upheaval. Aromatherapy can help you to achieve emotional balance.


Exercise and your pregnancy

Regular, gentle exercise is one of the simplest things you can do to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy.