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Private: Energy healing and your wellbeing

It is important to nurture and cleanse your energy as it can attract other energetic particles that are not good for you (this is a very simplistic way to explain it) and these will affect your health and wellbeing. It is said by energy healers that we get ‘sick’ in our energy first even before we are aware of it in our physical body. So if we look after the way our energy works, theoretically, we should be living far healthier lives.


Relationships and healing

There must also be some agreement in the relationship from that time forth of mutual respect for each other’s feelings and boundaries and to have an honest relationship. This needs to be a commitment from both sides for it to work and becomes an ongoing process in your relationship. Some of the things that need to be said may in a sense be hurtful but it is better to clear the air than sweep it aside for it to fester again at another time.


Happiness in life: Part 2

Many people that have productive lives filled with happiness have a sense of optimism despite the number of times they seem to have failure in their life. They tend to treat failure as a way of learning or changing their perspective to perhaps handle the same issue in a different way or to move on. That learning often brings with it an attitude of gratitude, appreciation and value for what they already have. People with an optimistic attitude often find their happiness by looking at the positives they can be grateful for instead of continually complaining about what they do not have, and that often also brings a relinquishing of the past.


Happiness in life: Part 1

Many of us seem to lack the tools to create happiness in our lives. We fall into patterns and repeat again and again the same things that did not work the first time yet we expect different results. The reason we do this is because change is difficult but to have happiness in our lives, if we don’t have it now, then we must change. We can talk about changing the world but that is not in our control. Changing ourselves to have a life filled with happiness is however in our control, because that depends on our perspective and changing our habits.



Psoriasis is a metabolic disease meaning it affects the whole body and the body is saturated with toxins. To eliminate toxins they must be expelled by the liver, filtered by the kidneys and leave the body either by the skin, urine or bowel. They can also be reduced by exercising which causes the body to perspire and by breathing deeply in fresh air. In the case of the psoriasis sufferer the body is that toxic that the skin becomes deeply affected and itchy leading to the psoriasis in the long term.


Fighting off winter hunger

Are you that person that sits at the computer munching away at the chips and lollies because you are hungry? The truth is you are not really hungry at all. The truth is that you have a poor digestive system or are addicted to sugar or salt or have hormones and chemicals not working properly in your body and that gives the message to your brain that you are hungry.


Strokes and depression: The link

Depression is a mood associated illness that inhibits normal daily activity and often follows a stroke. It has serious repercussions mentally, physically and emotionally and statistics show it affects as many as one in four people. Statistics are even higher for stroke victims due to the changes that can occur in the brain.


Private: Crystal healing and your health

Crystals are distinct in that they have a geometrical arrangement of the atoms that differs and they oscillate (vibrate) differently which makes them distinctive by name e.g. smokey quartz is different to amethyst which has an effect when they come into close contact with each of us. Our personal vibration starts to move differently because the crystal is near us just as we would become affected by other people around us.

healing crisis

What is a healing crisis?

As soon as the treatment begins to work, the illness tries to lodge itself even deeper into your body, emotions or psyche. The result is that you start to feel bad. You may even start to feel very ill. Even more ill than before you sought help and this could continue for some time. Psychologically, because you feel so bad you begin to think that what you are taking is making you ill when this is not the case. This is called a healing crisis because the crisis is that you feel bad and are not aware that in fact you are – healing.


Adrenal fatigue and why it’s important

Do you lack focus? Is your head foggy, Are you tired all the time yet don’t sleep well at night? Stressed? Feeling sickly, depressed or just irritated? Do you get dizzy for no apparent reason? Is there an unexplained weakness in some muscles? You could have a problem with your adrenals.

why do i need a colonoscopy

Why do I need a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopies are invasive procedures even though the risks are small. There can be bleeding, bowel perforations or other complications especially if you are older however the advantage is that during a colonoscopy the doctor can take a biopsy (a piece of tissue to examine in the lab), remove precancerous polyps if they are there before they grow and spread.


Private: Colour therapy: Feeling pink or feeling blue?

Colour is often a subconscious deciding factor linked to our feelings and will give us great insight into not only how we feel about ourselves but how others are feeling. Black is a colour of authority or power, fashionable and slimming which is why it has earned itself the reputation of the ‘little black dress’ which fits almost anywhere for women and the black suit for men who want to look stylish. However black on its own can often look too sombre and give a message of separateness so take care wearing it to that important meeting.