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Let’s get physical: Exercise A-Z

Physical exercise can either energise or exhaust you. Heal or harm you. Awareness and expert advice enables you to increase strength, suppleness, stability and stamina without risking repercussions. Let’s find out more about getting physical.

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How stress can lead to premature ageing

We live in a busy and fast-paced world and are juggling far more day-to-day than ever before. Supporting your nervous system is therefore fundamental for vibrant health, happiness and longevity.

high histamine

High histamine: a clinical casebook

What does a person do when they seem to react to everything — and it doesn’t matter what they do, it doesn’t seem to help? Think high histamine levels.

Coping with COVID-19

Coping with COVID-19

Who knew a virus could close pubs, restaurants and shops, isolate hundreds of millions and cripple the economy? Taking thousands of lives, the COVID-19 challenge is changing the world in ways that call for calm, caution and camaraderie.


Supplement in focus: Curcumin

Turmeric root (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice originally from India, a flowering plant related to ginger. It has been used as both a culinary spice and as a medicine for millennia.

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Can my dog eat this?

One topic that always comes up when discussing home prepared diets for dogs is: Can my dog eat this?