Are there harmful ingredients present in the products you feed your skin, your body’s largest, living organ?
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Time-honoured internal cleansing methods from around the world can be a part of your everyday life.
Homoeopathy offers a remedy – Saccharum for people who consume excessive amounts of sugar to compensate for a lack of affection in childhood.
As nutritionists update the recommended daily intakes for many foods, we break down the numbers and find out how you can eat the right amount of nutrients for a healthy life.
Combatting the harmful chemicals in your environment may just be the key to slow your ageing.
Counter the effects of ageing from the inside out by eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables and balancing your mix of food groups.
10 easy ways to go organic and lead a sustainable lifestyle.
The abdominal brain plays a vital role in our health. The abdominal brain receives and generates nerve forces, presides over nutrition and is the centre of life itself.
What is Codex Alimentarius and will these prospective new food rules affect our access to nutritional supplements and herbal remedies?
With a little planning there is no more satisfying and special time in a woman’s life than the nine months of pregnancy. However, women are often beset by needless anxiety and discomfort.
Using scrubs with natural ingredients can leave your skin feeling gentle and healthy
A healthy digestive system could be the key to improving neurological conditions such as ADHD and autism in children or anxiety and depression in adults.