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Identifying Common Skin Cancer

Identifying common skin cancers

Our resident holistic health expert Dr Karen Bridgman explores one patient’s diagnosis of skin cancer from diagnosis to treatment.

A holistic approach to treating chronic pain

Chronic pain: What it is and how to treat it

Pain is a complex physical phenomenon that is intimately bound with emotions and mental states. When pain becomes chronic the consequences are far-reaching and profound. You don’t have to just mask pain though, as there are gentle yet powerful natural approaches that have proven positive effects in relieving chronic pain.

Multicultural Beauty Secrets And The Power Of Plant Medicine

Multicultural beauty secrets and the power of plant medicine

Plant medicines have played a pivotal role in health care and beauty rituals around the world. Weaving traditional plant wisdom into your daily beauty routine through the food you enjoy or products you choose to apply topically can help to naturally boost your health from the inside out.

Kombucha health Benefits

The healing power of kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented drink that has a rich heritage and many healing effects. We take a look at the health benefits of this probiotic powerhouse.

Hemp Oil Beauty

The hemp revolution

Hemp oil is a powerhouse of plant cholesterol, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that plays a crucial role in skin health and anti-ageing.

Getting Inside The Box With Purematcha

Stephen and Stephanie fell in love with matcha on their honeymoon in Japan and brought some back for the rest of us by starting their own company Purematcha, focusing on an authentic experience sourced from Uji Kyoto itself.

The ultimate natural mother’s day guide

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to take stock and reflect upon our mothers. Let’s celebrate the women who give us so much love and care — and what better way to do so than with a gift that promotes their natural wellbeing?

Organic Hojicha Powder 100g — Pure Matcha

Hojicha powder is fast becoming one of Japan’s most popular teas. It is made from the same tea leaves as Sencha, however, the tea leaves are roasted over high-heat and then stone ground into an ultra-fine powder.