The physical act of smiling eases stress and soothes your heart.
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Omega-3 fats from fish oil can help prevent heart failure.
Your blood pressure and arteries do not have to deteriorate as you age if you choose the right lifestyle.
A happy disposition is protection against heart and blood vessel disease.
Acid reflux is quite common these days and it often begins due to our bad habits which are not good for our health. Heartburn is only one symptom of acid reflux but both are possible to control.
Sugar in drinks is bad news for heart health.
Although you can’t change your genetic predisposition or age-related factors that can lead to heart disease, you can take steps to control the other factors that can contribute.
A new analysis has shown that beer may be as good for your heart as wine.
A component of garlic oil might help the heart after a heart attack.
Fatty acids from Burmese pythons could grow human hearts and treat heart disease.
Yoga can reduce irregular heart beats.
What are the best foods to prevent heart disease? Did you know that these six foods that if eaten regularly could cut the risk of heart disease 76%?