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The slow food movement

The slow food movement has been gaining momentum to ensure the pleasures of appreciating the taste and quality of carefully produced food and sharing these pleasures with others does not disappear.


The power of protein

Protein is essential to your body tissue, bones, skin and muscle. But where do you get it and how much do you need?


Online health search tips

When it comes to researching health issues or finding solutions to common complaints, the internet is an information goldmine. But which sites can you really trust?


The pleasure of food

Healthy food does much more than simply nourish our bodies, it also unlocks passion and creates enjoyment.


How to fight a cold with yoga and ayurveda

Ayurveda has been used for centuries to fight the common cold, coughs and minor throat infections. Specific yoga postures can also aid circulation and promote the expulsion of congested phlegm. Keep reading for tips on yoga poses and ayurvedic recipes to fight off a cold!


What do colours mean? Part II

Colours symbolise our emotions, state of mind and personality. The psychology of colours is complex and in this second part of our three part series, we look at the true meaning of yellow, brown, grey and red.


What do colours mean? Part III

In this final article of our three-part series, we cover what your colour preferences reveal about your personality, looking specifically at green, pink, purple and orange.


Are you a kapha-type?

Third in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess kapha (water and earth) in the body.