There is a growing body of evidence pointing to the negative health consequences of sugar-sweetened beverages including a heightened risk to the health of your kidneys. However, the findings from previous studies on kidney disease risk and sweetened beverages have been inconsistent. To provide more clarity, researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health conducted […]
Removing unhealthy foods from the supermarket checkout is linked to reduced unhealthy snack purchases.
A high red meat diet triples the levels of gut-generated TMAO chemical which is associated with heart disease.
The various tools and strategies used by people with a food allergy to prevent allergic reactions.
People who consume sugar-sweetened beverages are more likely to display a pattern of consuming an unhealthy diet.
Vegetables, fruits and orange juice associated with decreased memory loss in men.
Eating nuts can help prevent weight gain and benefit cardiovascular health.
A plant-based or vegan diet is associated with better management of diabetes.
Vegetable nitrates can reduce the risk of developing early-stage age-related macular degeneration.
Vitamin supplemented chewing gum is an effective delivery system for some vitamins.
Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
The sudden drop in glucose you experience when you are hungry can impact your mood.
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