The same hormone involved in falling in love can also make you feel anxious and fearful.
Long-distance relationships can lead to the formation of strong bonds.
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama We are human, and we love. Love creates so much joy, and yet it seems to inspire so much pain in our lives. How can we learn to love and to make wise choices about our relationships? How can we learn […]
Jealousy has a surprising impact on your self-perception.
As couples age the way they deal with conflict changes.
There are gender differences in the outcomes of co-operation in romantic relationships.
Both men and women lie about their sex lives to conform to stereotypes.
Sacrificing yourself to help your partner might not always be the best idea.
Research has determined what it is that makes a human voice attractive.
Research finds sexual activity and happiness are linked but with an interesting twist.
A wide array of token have been invoked over the centuries as physical, and safe, representations of undying love. We take a look at these love-filled objects.
Your breath is unique and contains chemical signals that identify your health and illness.
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