September horoscope

What do the stars have in store for you September & October?

Time to gaze into the night sky and learn what the stars have in store for us over the next couple of months!

How are the next couple of months looking for you?


September begins with an energy rush as Jupiter expands your relationships through September. Your ruler Venus wants for you a quiet life in September, but life and other people have other ideas. Don’t overreact on September 19. Once Sun and Mercury enter Libra together on September 23, and your September 26 New Moon pulls in Jupiter, clear intentions lead your way. October 10’s Full Moon with Venus next to your Sun makes you a force majeure right through to October 19. Beware of the fall of hubris on October 20.


This month, your ruler Mars wants you out there strutting your stuff. September 1 pulls in Jupiter with lots of mundane tasks. The main storyline emerges around September 12–20, when destiny calls as changes are thrust upon you. As Mars befriends Saturn and Pluto befriends Mercury on September 28, a first crescent Moon in Scorpio illuminates your path ahead.


Your ruler Jupiter is in the Fire sign which rules your heart path, creative projects, travel you have dreamed about and love. Travel may be delayed by a Saturn/Uranus conflict in September and October. Jupiter calls in friends on September 1–3, 11–12 and 19. Plus, Mars in your partner sign is beckoning adventure. Plans solidify around September 28 through October 1, helped along by a Sagittarius Moon. October 12–23 is intensely sociable in a good way; you feel inclined to do something with that fire in your belly.


The Goat may be one of the most cautious of the signs, yet ambition and lusty tendencies drive you to take chances. September’s earthy harmonies help you go from strength to strength. Yet potential money or property hiccups exist, while ruler Saturn challenges unpredictable Uranus. Don’t let these issues hurt your relationship with someone you love. Your power days are September 5–12, 19–20 and 26–29. Moon in Capricorn and Pluto empowered make October 3–12 satisfying.


In September or October, an old challenge may return when Saturn in Aquarius squares off to Awakener Uranus. Yet Saturn strengthens your resolve to build new structures in your life. Also, both Mars and the Sun in Libra put a skip in your step from September 1–3, then September 26 to October 1 and October 12–19. While some twists and turns of fate may frustrate your attempts to deal with things systematically, a dose of flexibility works wonders. Lean into that. With family matters, forgiving tolerance will forestall unnecessary conflict.


Jupiter now in your money zone means it’s time to consider how those great visionary ideas that have been developing since last February can become practical. Since Lover Venus enters your partner sign on September 5 and Full Moon in Pisces illuminates September 10, you are blessed. Other people want to join energies with you, yet magnetic resonance can dissolve as unexpectedly as it arrives. Action and decision are needed in early September, then after the inspiration of September 10’s Full Moon, patiently design a plan of action, researching financial options.


Jumping in too fast can sometimes burn the Ram’s tender hooves. Yet September starts with benevolent Jupiter in Aries in harmony with your ruler Mars. Good news indeed for the rambunctious one. Since your Full Moon approaches, energy is rising, with sweet results for you if you can direct that energy rather than be ruled by it. Mercury is in Retro motion through Libra from September 10 to October 2 so allow yourself to review past advice that could be helpful now. Then, by October 10’s Full Moon in Aries, your capacity for teamwork will be your good fortune.


You benefit from the interesting combo of both Awakener Uranus and the karmic Moon’s Node close together in Taurus, making necessary changes timely. September is special as Lover Venus is in your love sign, with opportunities to further a creative project. September 9 and 18–20 are helpful, and September 26–28 is particularly illuminating. From October 2–9 you can complete a project or plan that has been delayed, while October 12–22 requires some patience in regards to demanding home and family matters. Tread lightly.


The curiosity and interests of Gemini are accelerated with Mars in your sign until late March 2023. This is helpful in early September, but September 17–19 needs restraint to avoid conflict and bad decisions. By restraining the aggressive side of Mars, it can help you begin a rewarding new role on September 28 with opportunities to refine this in late November, then February 2023. September 28 to October 19 and October 23–27 bring Air sign harmonies that tune you up for your best work in years, so don’t waste energy on trivial irritations.


Generous Jupiter expands your worldly roles through September and most of October. By September 10 a Full Moon in your adventure sign stirs many plans, yet on the same day a Retro Mercury cycle begins and old family or home issues may demand your time. September 19 increases the pressure, but your time management is effective. Relax and go with the flow. October 7–19 produces good ideas and support. Do not let power struggles or rivalry upset your flow on October 20.


The Sun’s own sign of Leo is supported by Jupiter in a fire sign, evoking adventurous plans. Suddenly practical concerns demand your attention and creative solutions come readily from September 12–26. Financial affairs may begin a new cycle from September 27 when Venus meets Mercury in your money sign. Clear communication can cut through misunderstandings on October 2, 12 or 20. On October 23, both your relationships and family affairs begin new cycles that promise to unclutter your mind and your life.


September begins a dream run for the sign of the Virgin. Mars brings some Jupiter luck to your career and any worldly roles, then Lover Venus enters Virgo on September 5 to sweeten your whole month. Your September 10 Full Moon gives a visionary edge to practical plans, and September 18–21 is especially potent when good ideas plus easy changes can revitalise you. Mercury also goes Retro on September 10, so this means energy for action is building slowly and financial commitments best wait for October 4–10.


Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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