
Virgo in 2011


Mars’ cycle this year promises action and energy. You are more visible in the world at large as Mars gives you confidence to show your strengths on a larger stage. You’re at a peak as Mars triggers your career/public sector from June 22 to August 4. This is an ideal time for starting new professional projects or even a new career. Your confidence and determination set you apart in the public eye as you have the confidence to take action about career goals. You’re a “mover and shaker” on the job now and won’t be inclined to wait for others. If possible, take on work that gives you greater autonomy and personal freedom — you’ll prefer to be master of your own destiny then.

As with every sign, you’re particularly sensitive to the moods of your planetary patron. With Mercury spending three periods of approximately three weeks retrograde (moving backwards) each year, you get a few chances to hit pause on life and catch up with yourself. In 2011, your retrograde review periods are March 29 to April 22, August 3 to 25 and November 24 to December 14.

Each retrograde period has its own area of focus. In March/April, it pays to go over loan and investment documents to ensure you are getting the best deal for your situation. Discuss who’s handling what where joint or couple investments and loans are concerned. Double-check details and take time to read the fine print on any financial documents, especially about taxes or family money.

In August, you’ll need time alone to catch up with the busy-ness of the year thus far. Your relationship to your spiritual side needs to evolve and quiet downtime helps you become conscious of what your true needs are and what is no longer working in your life. Intuitive and energetic forms of communication may suit you better than verbal or written forms now.

In November/December, home and family situations are under review. This Mercury retrograde helps you reconsider your living situation. Make time to have those family conversations you’ve been putting off. Crossed wires may create misunderstandings at home or with family now, but persisting with talking things through helps you find the best solution.


Sexy Mars puts a fire in your belly about moving forward in close relationships from February 24 to April 3, when you have added confidence to consciously assert yourself with significant others. Being direct makes it clear to those you share intimate space with what it is you really want. Personal and professional partnerships get a shake up, as instead of letting things that frustrate you slide, you take the initiative to address issues. Action and adventure are the way to bring the spark back into your love life now. If you’re single, get active to meet new people. Attached? Start exercising together to fire up those passionate endorphins.

A new era in love and relationships begins on April 5 as soulful Neptune makes his first pass into your partnership sector. From April 5 to August 5 you’re exploring a more compassionate, giving and selfless side to love. You may surprise yourself and those around you with your desire to put relationship needs before work and other priorities. Neptune arouses the fairytale archetype and you’ll have to work to keep your feet, and your heart, grounded.

While getting swept off your feet by a significant other is entirely possible now, ideally you’ll get involved with someone who has genuine long-term intentions. While the initial rush of infatuation can be irresistible, under Neptune’s touch you’re wise to take it slowly when it comes to making major love choices. Sometimes, beneath Neptune’s perfect-seeming glamour, things that seem too good to be true are. Be selective about when, where and with whom you wear the proverbial rose-coloured glasses.


Jupiter triggers your travel and study zone for the first time in 12 years from June 5, arousing within your being desires for adventure, excitement and new knowledge. A 12-month journey of exploration begins mid-year, as you realise new physical spaces and new mental places are needed to help you grow and evolve.

Jupiter is about all things exotic, foreign and inspiring. With Jupiter in your travel and study zone, you’re ready to learn more, especially about beliefs, different cultures or philosophy. You also have itchy feet to explore beyond the known boundaries of your world. If you can, plan an extended trip or extra weekends away through the second part of the year. New locations appeal more than revisiting favourite destinations, so as much as possible, spread your wings. The world truly is your oyster. Life gets more exciting as you open into your imagination and allow yourself to take inspiring risks.

Courageous Mars also triggers your travel sector from May 12 to June 22. It’s rare to have both Mars and Jupiter through this zone so close together, making June (when your travel zone is affected by both Mars and Jupiter) an especially significant time for taking trips or signing up for courses that will help catapult you into a whole new way of thinking about and viewing life. Dare yourself to explore then.


Serious Saturn continues through your personal money zone, helping you develop new maturity and set healthy limits around dealing with your cash. Saturn is the planet of checks and balances, so use his energy to best advantage by following through on financial plans and arrangements. Under Saturn’s influence, you also reap the rewards — or pay the consequences — of past decisions relating to income, earning and spending. In particular, the choices and commitments you did or didn’t make around work and money between June 2003 and July 2005 may need revising or restructuring in 2011.

Mercury, planet of documents and deals, takes a backwards spin (retrograde) through your joint money zone from March 29 to April 22. Through this period, extra caution with finances is advised, especially if making new joint or family investments. It is a great period through which to revise, rework or adjust existing savings or debt plans, so don’t be shy about researching better Deals now. You may also become aware of missing records or incomplete files regarding your financial affairs under this influence, so use the review energy of Mercury’s retrograde to redo and update important financial documents. You also get the chance to find out as much information as you need to make fully informed financial choices, especially about taxes and family money.

Your personal money planet, Venus, triggers your cash zone from September 16 to October 10. You’re likely to be hit by a shopping bug then, so if you can, plan to splurge on pretty things. Venus also makes it easier to connect with the right partners to further your financial goals, so seek out mentors or advisors at this time.

Home + family

Your domestic plans go through refinement and review in 2011. Beautiful Venus triggers your home zone twice, from January 18 to February 5 and then again from November 3 to 27. These periods are ideal for improving relations with family members, relatives and flatmates. You’re also keen to make your living space prettier, so plan redecorating for then, based on whatever fits your budget. You are the “hostess with the mostest” under Venus’s influence, so use your home as a base to catch up and reconnect with family and close friends. Venus is also the planet of love and these periods are ideal for bringing more love into your home. This could happen through moving in with a new partner or by making the effort to recreate the affection with a long-term live-in love.

Mercury, celestial organising guru, helps you explore all your options around family plans and living arrangements from November 24 to December 14. Communications with family members/flatmates could be frustrating then as crossed wires are likely. Double-check details and reconfirm anything that’s important. You’ll want support at home through this time and may find it frustrating to have to repeat yourself. Be patient as delays and snafus with family and at home now ultimately help you understand those you love with/are related to better.

Creativity + children

Pluto continues to bring his desire for transformation to bear on your creative process and relationships with children. In 2011, the creative process takes you deeply within yourself, helping you understand more about your true nature, especially around these key energy flashpoint dates: January 18, February 10, August 11 and 12 and December 2 and 31. Encounters with children could prove powerful then as you come to better understand the power of adopting a childlike approach. This also helps you give due credit to the needs of your own inner child.

This chart sector reminds you to have fun, enjoy life and not work too hard. Pluto makes this journey intense and confronting at times, but he also rewards you with personal empowerment and greater control over your time. Get obsessive about play time if you have to — you’re no longer prepared to allow your personal space to be hijacked by the needs or concerns of others. This also means better boundaries in your relationships with children.


Venus brings warmth, affection and sweetness into your social connections July 5 to 29. Quality time with your closest friends is a must then, so adjust work and family schedules accordingly. You’ll be sensitive when meeting new people, but you won’t be able to resist the desire to help out a friend in need. Your role in groups through this time is the “mother hen”, helping take care of those who need extra TLC.

You’re at your caring, sensitive best when surrounded by friends and connected to groups of like-minded people. Mars supports your passion for protecting your closest mates between August 4 and September 20. You are also full of energy for social get-togethers and find group connections invigorating. You’ll definitely want to be part of a team, rather than have to go solo, through this time. Others see you as the group leader now as you channel the warrior archetype when involved in group activities or when standing up for causes close to your heart. Your drive and determination can make a difference to others in your networks, so if you see an opportunity to nurture those around you through this period, take it.


You spend longer than usual delving into the mysteries and magic of a spiritual life, as your patron planet Mercury takes an extra-long transit through your spirituality zone from July 3 to September 10. This whole period is about checking out of everyday life (as much as you can!) and simply “being”. The rush, rush, rush of work, family and personal commitments needs to still, as your spirit seeks healthy escape from the daily grind. Mentors, mediation and regular journal writing help you process life and your experiences more deeply.

As part of this extra-long visit, Mercury takes a backwards spin (retrograde) through your mystical zone from August 9 to 25, helping you rework your personal take on spirituality. While communication and organisation in a practical sense may require greater effort, tuning out the world at large and reconnecting with your inner voice seem almost effortless now. You may reconnect with forgotten dreams and hopes or find new information to help you reframe your past.

The spirituality zone represents the end of a cycle, so taking quiet, alone time as you need it now helps you put the events of the past 12 months into perspective, giving you a clean slate from which to begin a new journey.

Planetary cycles

The following section gives you specific information regarding this year’s planetary cycles and how they may affect you.

If you are born August 23 to 25, soulful Neptune makes a challenging opposition to your Sun. Your personal journey this year centres on letting go and surrendering. Life may feel insubstantial or not real as the dream-like qualities of Neptune override rational clarity. Take time out from professional and family plans to explore your spiritual and creative side.

If you are born August 28 to 31, intense Pluto makes a supportive trine to your Sun. It’s time to turn your attention inwards and explore the depths of your being. A purge-and-purify process helps you release the past and create space, physically and energetically, for the future. Power and control themes may feature, but you’ll mange them easily as you start to express your most empowered self. Harnessing your own creative power is key to your personal evolution this year.

If you are born September 20 to 24, Uranus makes a challenging opposition to your Sun. This presents unexpected but exciting opportunities to embrace previously hidden or suppressed parts of your personality. You may rebel against limits, structure and authority as Uranus encourages you to push boundaries and create freedom. Liberation is the underlying theme.

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