Star Gazing

Star gazing


A lunar charge arrives on November 6 with Scorpio New Moon, signalling renewed focus. Since heaps of sociable Venus energy and lashings of deep connections via Mercury are also Scorpio’s lot, there is optimism, excitement and a sense of more to come. Yet, while you feel driven, it is useful to conduct yourself carefully. Lover Venus is actually retrograde, signalling an internal questioning that has been going on since early October and is not complete until the end of November. A big decision needs the right amount of time. The easy progress of November 2–18 puts you on a steady course but it is December 2–11 that really sorts things out to your liking.


Your sunny ruler Jupiter is back in wet Pisces, so it is not yet time for you to blaze ahead. Yet mid-November points you in the right direction while also keeping you incredibly busy. Much can be achieved while energy-driver Mars is in Sagittarius as long as you don’t cut corners due to impatience, particularly around December 4. The Sagittarius New Moon/fresh start on December 6 carries the Jupiter-in-Pisces signature. This means focus on home, family and quietly building security for now. That way, when Jupiter returns to like-minded Aries in mid-January, your creative ideas will be well cooked and you really will have the means to sustain a nice pleasure top-up.


Capricorn is often characterised as the strong and silent type but 2010 has given you extra reason for private calculations. Your sense of destiny, the inevitabilities of life and primal emotions such as the survival urge have been flagged, via both the Moon’s Node and Pluto travelling through your sign. November simmers with this intensity, sometimes in satisfying ways, and mid-November is a chance to flash your abilities. It gets easier to discuss things in December when Mercury enters Capricorn then Mars follows on December 8, moving you forward. The catch is that Mercury retro December 10–30 favours hidden agendas, so be canny, calm about delays and restrained with purchases.


November’s solar cycle lights your way to a career high spot. With expansive Jupiter boosting your money-making skills at the same time, it’s looking good. However, erratic Uranus is also part of the picture, so unexpected windfalls may go hand in hand with unexpected expenses. From November 19 Jupiter takes the lead and 22–23 evokes breakthrough ideas. December 6 New Moon presents an opportunity, maybe via friends or like-minded contacts. This requires quick action and is best given shape December 7–11. Yet decisions made December 12–17 could be tinged with unconscious motives and are best reappraised 18–20. Rush nothing.


These are complex times: deciding whether the changes in your life are caused by you or by outside forces is about as easy as separating an ice cube from a bowl of hot water. It’s all the same in the end, so don’t stress. Jupiter’s largesse and Uranus surprises are having their last run through Pisces … touches of dreams-come-true mix with worst-case scenarios, both exaggerated! November stirs deep emotions with sweet outcomes November 2–7 and 16–19. The love planet Venus boosts your higher insights and travel opportunities from November 30 to December 11, so be prepared for quick action. After then it’s more difficult — misconceptions can muddy your path.



So near to the desired outcome yet still so far, it seems. Jupiter has slipped away, having stirred some very big ideas indeed. Now is prep time for the next stage in late January, when well-timed action can produce extra-special results. If you are prepared to place rational limits on your ideas, to honour the rights of others to disagree and to get cooked emotionally, then the world of Saturn opposite and Pluto squaring off to you is easy to navigate. November 15–18 soothes your soul; Mars pushes for an adventurous month. This “See Red” ruling planet energises your career from December 8 — even holidays have a practical edge. Do beware overkill around December 14 and 27–30.


So fair-minded and helpful are tender Taureans and so set in their ways. Yet change is in process via guiding Venus. She has been the Evening Star for months but now she is invisible, close to Sun and in retro motion until November 18. If partners or friends have been oddly disconnected, it’s easier in mid-November to sort that out. Inner radiance is the Venus trick and your subtler ways are much appreciated. Perhaps let this lead you to keep things close and personal. From November 19 doors open, Venus and Jupiter go “direct” in unison and your intuition is the key at November 22’s Full Moon in Taurus. December offers a kind of rebirth, relationship riches.


Traditionally associated with the Trickster, no wonder Geminis are frequently “in their heads”, riding the tricky whirlwinds of the mind. Beware that ability to rationalise everything; it just won’t work in Scorpio Time, particularly around November 6. Go with your gut, remind the people you love that you do and enjoy the growing emphasis on partners and co-operative efforts November 9 to December 1. Then December 6 New Moon revs your relationship even further, bringing a climactic Gemini Full Moon and lunar eclipse, just a hair’s breadth before solstice on December 21 … Best results now are really good and missed opportunities unrepeatable.


Feeling the flow is no less than a revelation for you in the intensely passionate month of November. It is one of those times to make sure you really want what you ask for! Swirling Scorpio currents pull you deeper into yourself; may as well enjoy the ride. Your “house of love” gets more juice as New Moon grows, November 6–19. Finally, on November 22, a Full Moon signals a sensual release, a time to let go of stress and expectations. It has not been an easy year with Pluto opposite Cancer and you need “safety valve” time out. Early December is also a good contender for time out, but December 9–16 is all about someone else’s needs. Get ready to revisit old territory.


Since you are the Sun’s own sign, you know about shining but not necessarily in November. Family, private concerns and security matters all draw your attention and take your time. Be particularly alert on November 6 and 18, when careless words or overlooked details can hurt someone, maybe you. November has many moments when stripping down to pure silence is an excellent idea. In this way you notice and learn, most helpful in the “bright” of the Moon from November 15 to November 22’s Full Moon. After that a new solar cycle brings familiar Fire energy to spark your love of life. December 1–3, 7 and 18–20 are bright points in a month when surprises and changes litter your path.



With Uranus opposite Virgo again, the madness returns and so do the opportunities because Jupiter is back in Pisces as well. Partners, children, special friends and parents are all likely to place more and sometimes inconvenient demands on you now. Decide what is appropriate and “reschedule” the rest for your sanity’s sake. November 2–5, 7, 16 and 19 all hold special energy now and creative energy is high — your work and your relationships benefit. It’s after November 22 and its Full Moon boost that things get more complex, especially on November 26, 28, December 4, 17, 19 and 21–22. Yet these dates can bring potentially good outcomes for family and security — just stay calm.


Perhaps it’s time to lift your spirit by injecting some reverie time into those so-busy days. Serious Saturn is making itself at home in Libra — demands on your time and responsibilities cannot be allowed to hijack your entire life or it will be a long two years! Despite your best efforts it may seem you are being held back in odd ways right now. In fact, your ruling planet Venus is in retro motion until November 19 and has been so since early October, another force propelling contemplation. With November 23, more fire and excitement move you forward, the focus being family and partners. December 7–18 offers a perfect opportunity to talk about what really matters with people you love.< /p>

Christine Broadbent loves her work. She teaches astrology and offers personal consultations for life direction, business timing and relationship guidance. She will be teaching classes in Auckland in November and returning to Sydney in December. Phone readings and reports also available. See for details and for more on your star sign. Ph 61 2 9938 4382.


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