Babies and children are symbolically connected to creativity. They represent the new, the idea that something that once never existed can be brought into the world through a sacred process. Closely related to this is the idea of care and nurturing; that vulnerable things can be kept safe and encouraged to flourish.
Dreams about being attacked often relate to feelings of your own vulnerability. While they may be disturbing to experience, attack dreams are often exploring sources of pain or control in order to be released from it.
Synchronicity happens when you start to realise how everything is connected. It begins with dreaming of things we have seen or experienced in waking life and comes full circle when we see or experience things in waking life that we have already dreamed of. When this happens, it can feel a little like magic.
To truly appreciate the depth of meaning of your dreams, you must actively engage with your dreaming mind.
Going into a cave can be a journey of self-exploration that could be profoundly transformative. It is not unusual to dream of caves or underground when going through a significant learning or growth phase. The dark unknown can be a symbol for exploring something new, but it can also be a far more profound symbol of facing your deeper self.
The chakras are energy centres of your body integral in determining your future health. Healing of your energy will help physical healing.
The study of your aura and energy field is an interesting and intense one. It will lead you to new insights on all levels of your being.
Satsangh is a Sanskrit word meaning a sacred gathering or being in the company of good people. It is important because the company you keep rubs off and people become like each other. So if you are mixing with people who are negative you will start to think of yourself and others in negative terms. If you are already doing this it can be changed. This article explains why Satsangh is important and how to change things in your life.
When was the last time you did something creative? Sung a song? Danced? Painted or sketched? All these things help increase your creativity, work on your second and fourth chakra and release good energy to your environment. What is happening inside is a reflection of what is outside of you and vice-versa.
To be spiritually toxic is to be disconnected from your spirit. You don’t have to detox your spirit but you do need to clear away the clutter that has caused your disconnection.
Food is our life source. The food we eat impacts in every area of our lives even though sometimes we are not aware of this. The food we eat can affect us on all levels – energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
By aligning with the rhythms of nature and connecting to its wisdom, you can channel your inner wild thing in the tameness of suburbia.
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