Formulate a strategy, so when life gets hectic — and it will — you can return to it as a kind of personal compass to help you navigate as you move forward.
Joy, happiness and children may take on a sudden yet welcome turn as Uranus enters Taurus. Behold, your 2022 Capricorn horoscope.
The Tao Te Ching is attributed to the legendary author Lao Tzu. In tracking down this mythical figure we learn a lot about the book he supposedly wrote and the lessons it contains for living today.
Yoga Nidra is a practice that can assist you to link to deeper states of inner consciousness which will assist you on every level of your daily life. It will help you gain better insights into your mind, body, emotional connections and give you better focus and calm.
According to the wheel of life and ancient Greek technique of profections, find out when to focus on money, family, health, relationships and your career.
Explore the dynamic 45-year cycle between Saturn and Uranus to discover what structures need to be updated and radically reshaped in 2021 and beyond.
The magnitude of feelings that tsunami dreams invoke is no surprise when you consider that water in dreams most often relates to our emotional state.
To understand the meaning of travelling in dreams, it can help to look at the means of travel, the landscape you travel through and obstacles you encounter.
Teeth in your dreams have a variety of symbolic meanings. They can relate to being seen and heard, how you communicate and your relationship with authority.
Dreams of stairs, elevators and ladders are often accompanied by heightened emotions. You may feel a sense of nervousness or anxiety, of effort and labour, or alternatively of exhilaration and release.
Sex in dreams can often be a symbol of union. A way of embracing something that is other to you, or outside your realm of experience and knowledge, and integrating it into who you are.
Dreaming of discovering new rooms in a house usually relate to your own feelings about yourself and where you are in life in the present moment.
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