By following the mythical journey of Venus, we come to see how this wondrous planet influences our own love journey.
Mind & Spirit
Water is an important part of many religious rituals and narratives representing refreshment and renewal. Even going for a walk near a body of water can lift the spirits, so why does this liquid wonder have such an effect on our bodies, hearts and minds?
Horoscopes – November/December 2011
Completion can only be achieved when we engage in community life, allowing aspects of ourselves to merge with aspects of others.
Many dismiss hope as useless and unrealistic optimism. On the contrary, hopeful thinking is responsible for delivering many of us from our toughest struggles and empowering us to follow and achieve our dreams
2011 is the year of the yin metal rabbit, is likely to bring diplomacy, harmony and a family focus to the year ahead.
The cycles and rhythms of the moon mark the natural passage of time and change. Learn about the motions of the moon and become more attuned to when you are most likely to have clarity and when you should make changes.
Like many people, I love meditation. Well, I love the idea of it. Until recently, no matter how hard I tried I never seemed to get much progress in meditation.
Serotonin depression is a mood disorder due to the imbalance in the hormone, serotonin.
Emotional detoxing focuses on finding love and safety from within and can leave you feeling lighter, clearer, energised and ready to make overdue changes to both your personal and professional life.
Often I’m asked the question what is well being and how do you get it (or get more of it). Well being is what everyone wants to feel often without knowing what it looks like or even how it feels. Often it just is to feel better than how I’m feeling right now.
Mothers’ Day is a day to rejoice motherhood. A time to show our love and appreciation for our mothers.
However this can also be a day filled with sadness and disappointment for those who have lost
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