Stress is such as broadly used term these days. We hear of stress management, stressed out, biological stress, environmental stress, post traumatic stress. Hans Selye a scientist and pioneer of stress wrote of stress theory back in the early 1930’s. Interestingly the introduction of this term coincided with the Great Depression.
Mind & Spirit
Most people if they were honest would probably say their head. You know when you’re in your head when you think too much, can’t sleep as you are thinking and suffer from analysis paralysis. You can also tell if you are in your head if life lacks that fullness and luster that you have experienced before.
Parkinson’s disease is the death of brain cells that produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in movement and it can lead to paralysis.
Being connected and knowing your mind are the two pillars of a successful life. Here, we take a look at failure.
Shopping has evolved from being a necessary chore to one of the primary leisure activities in Western countries like Australia and New Zealand. There is a common perception that consumerism is innate and that the love of shopping is hard-wired into people: unfortunately, history suggests otherwise.
Grief is a difficult thing. It overcomes up and feels like it will never end. It’s hard to give into the tears for many reasons be it your gender, where you are or your inability to let go.
Meditation is a universal practice that can be used to quiet the mind, reduce stress and to heal the body, mind and spirit. But how do we incorporate it into our everyday lives?
Writing about music is like dancing about architecture, goes the old joke. But sometimes you just have to wonder about the what, the how and the why of it.
Art therapy is a creative, personal way to access the inner wisdom and strength needed to overcome the stresses and hardships of our lives.
There’s no I in team, or is there…?
It has been the strangest couple of weeks for me and a complete emotional rollercoaster.
Technology was initially created to make our lives easier but, as most of us have discovered, just the opposite is true. So what benefits can be gained by switching off, tuning out and dropping offline?
When you really need to perform mentally for an exam or a presentation at work, there are natural ways to make sure your brain is firing on all cylinders.
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