Ever noticed how some people are touchy and can react easily to even the smallest thing? This might be a comment from someone, being too busy or little events that happen to us all like traffic, spilling our coffee, losing a document and so on.
Mind & Spirit
Conscious, and unconscious, expectations shape your experience of the world.
Facial width can predict a lot about how a man will behave.
Do you often feel you get bored or restless at various points in your life? This is characterised by feelings of boredom, not knowing what to do with yourself or what you want to do, feeling unmotivated and even feeling a bit lost or down.
Your brain loves the sound of you talking about your own experiences.
When you become immersed in a fictional character you can act like that character.
Psychologists have developed a scale to measure whether you are addicted to Facebook.
“Laughter is the best Medicine” and “Sex is wonderful too”. Both raise all the feel-good chemicals and emotions and lots of research has been done on the benefits of “Sex and Laughter”.
A life devoid of play hinders your ability to connect with others and identify with your true self, often leaving you feeling numb, as if on auto-pilot. Learn about yourself and connect better with others by rediscovering the vitality and joy of play.
Is beauty past 30 a myth? Each age brings unprecedented experience and joy, so why cling to only one?
Professor Tim Sharp, AKA Dr Happy, shares his 10 guidelines for feeling happy and beautiful on the inside.
Many people today suffer from depression and come to the stage where they can’t even get out of bed. It is in a sense wonderful to have something they can take that will give them some semblance of returning to their normal lifestyle but there is a price that they have to pay and not a pleasant one.
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