We all possess creativity and can use it to solve some of our most persistent problems. So why do so many of us shy away from it?
Mind & Spirit
Agape is the love of God for humanity and it can bring immense healing if you take the time to access it.
Altruism is the selfless love and concern for all others and showing compassion and self-sacrifice in times of need. Why is this concept so enduring?
Some star signs are better matched than others. Here is a guide to the best astrological matches.
Whether you give greed or generosity; that’s what you get back.
The capacity to make a fist may have played a role in how human hands evolved.
The “magic number†for memory may not be “7†after all.
I’m sure you’ve had one of those moments when you really have to have something. Whether it’s a new car, new phone, new TV or new jacket there always seems to be something that we can desire and must have. It doesn’t feel like a want, it feels like a need. I need it! What we are talking about here is retail therapy.
Sick people need our help and empathy, not to be stigmatised for their illness, but unfortunately for centuries people with contagious or serious illness have had to pay the penalty of society’s judgement. Slowly over the years it has begun to change but still it is not common to talk about our panic attacks (one in four people suffer these at some stage of their lives) or our depression (how would it affect your promotion at work) or the grief you are feeling simply because your wonderful dog died. We have become to some extent a society that ‘soldiers on’ and in doing that we bury our feelings and illnesses and surround ourselves with shame instead of understanding and healing.
If you want to make changes this year there is a popular story that tells how to do it.
Exercise can give your memory a short term boost.
Living your passions makes you healthier, happier and more productive. But how do you identify and start living those passions?
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