Mind & Spirit


Happiness in life: Part 2

Many people that have productive lives filled with happiness have a sense of optimism despite the number of times they seem to have failure in their life. They tend to treat failure as a way of learning or changing their perspective to perhaps handle the same issue in a different way or to move on. That learning often brings with it an attitude of gratitude, appreciation and value for what they already have. People with an optimistic attitude often find their happiness by looking at the positives they can be grateful for instead of continually complaining about what they do not have, and that often also brings a relinquishing of the past.


Happiness in life: Part 1

Many of us seem to lack the tools to create happiness in our lives. We fall into patterns and repeat again and again the same things that did not work the first time yet we expect different results. The reason we do this is because change is difficult but to have happiness in our lives, if we don’t have it now, then we must change. We can talk about changing the world but that is not in our control. Changing ourselves to have a life filled with happiness is however in our control, because that depends on our perspective and changing our habits.


Self-transformation: Believe in your Self

I want to live my life With the ease and perfection and power Of a wave travelling along itself As it breaks into foam. The weakening habit of doubting ourselves can take many forms. It might be a constant feeling that somehow we have failed, even in the middle of success, and we can feel […]


Self-transformation: Our fear is the doorway to love

Love is letting go of fear  One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received in my own journey of self-transformation came at a time when I was really struggling with a great darkness. I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever find a way out of this living nightmare. I visited the house […]