Positive thoughts, emotions and actions are sometimes hard to adopt in what seems to be a negative world.
Mind & Spirit
A belief in Guardian Angels influences how people behave.
It can be scary to talk about suffering from depression, as you risk being judged by others. Expressing your feelings on paper, however, may have multiple benefits.
It’s easy to get caught in a thoughtless, rushed pattern of starting your day. Yet if you can begin your day with a deliberate routine designed to nurture you, the rest of your day will benefit.
Learn how to interpret the symbolic messages animals of all kinds bring into your life, especially those you are drawn to and those that cross your path.
There are many techniques that allow you to let go of fears so that you don’t remain stuck.
While by its nature disappointment is not a pleasure, if you approach it in the right way your happiness need not be tarnished.
People who are “lucid dreamers†are better at problem solving when awake.
Some music makes you feel powerful and now we know why.
Your answer to one single question indicates if you are a narcissist.
Meditation is touted as a recipe for happiness and the evidence from millennia of practice and scientific studies suggests it does have a real, positive impact
Ever wonder why so many of us have the same dreams? The village of humanity is vast and we are all connected in it.
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