Analysis shows the age level at which presidential candidates pitch their language.
Mind & Spirit
Willpower is just like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets but you can also tire it out. Learn how to harness the power of self-control.
Intuitive moments of understanding can be better than methodical analysis.
Taking the stairs and studying keeps your brain young.
Research reveals why some movie sequels succeed and others do not.
Through karma, you can learn to transform your life by wisely and consciously choosing the path you tread.
Nurturing your spirituality doesn’t require plenty of cash: connecting with the sacred is more a state of mind and way of living.
Whether we use coloured stones or receive colour laser-light acupuncture, it is undeniable that colour has an effect on humans.
If, like so many people on Earth, you enjoy exploring different belief systems, what do you answer when people ask what you believe in?
A playful love of nature is alive and well in Byron Shire.
Being hit by a car while training for a triathlon dramatically changed Andy Harrison’s life, but his self-talk helped him recover.
Belief in an all-knowing God can lead to cooperation and support.
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