Mindfulness meditation has a more significant effect on women than men.
Mind & Spirit
Do you get overwhelmed by your negative thoughts? Awareness is the first step to creating change and taking control of the patterns that hold you back.
The benefits of hatha yoga on depression are more significant over time.
Do you have healthy chakras? Each of these 12 energy centres fuels and sustains aspects of your life and body — and can help you manifest your desires.
10 minutes of mindfulness meditation prevents the mind from wandering.
As humans, we try to make sense of the events in our lives. Discover three simple approaches to help you sustain a sense of life meaning or purpose.
Men given doses of testosterone performed poorly on a cognitive reflection test than a group given a placebo.
Do you know someone who’s just started tertiary study? Mindfulness training can help students successfully transition into college or university life.
New research says that we will endure extreme pain to escape the realities of our mundane life.
Will your 2017 be an abundant one? Discover your career and wealth planets according to Indian astrology.
Two new studies point at racial bias starting at a very young age in children six to nine month old.
The people we date share many similarities – physically and personality wise according to a new study.
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