A computer could predict who is desirable and how much someone is desired but no two people were a match.
Mind & Spirit
Scratching may have evolved as a form of social communication which helps alleviate conflict.
Ayurveda, the Indian system of wellness, relies on ancient astrological principles for maintaining good health. Learn how to work with your birth chart to support health and healing.
A study shows that facial recognition is developed in the brain through exposure to faces.
A study investigates the biological mechanisms during yoga and meditation practice by looking at markers of stress and inflammation.
Looking to invest money? When done consciously, investment and consumption can both be ethical and fulfilling.
A study on sexual behaviours captures a wide range of sexual behaviours and romance is the most appealing. Romance tops a wide range of sexual behaviour
Researchers examines how frequently and in what order different aspects of near-death-experience occur.
Indian astrology incorporates some fascinating elements, including planetary devas, beliefs around karma and myths about the planets. Let’s journey into the basics of jyotish.
People who see colours while perceiving smells are better at distinguishing between smells and colours, and in naming odours accurately.
Mindfulness program can prepare athletes mentally and improve their performance.
Research suggests that differing brand preference can affect our happiness more than differing interests and personality traits.
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