Taking vitamin B6 can help people recall their dreams according to a new study.
Mind & Spirit
Work-life balance can affect all workers and not only mothers, when their workplace does not support a family-friendly culture.
The Moon rules your daily habits, so how can you support your Moon in order for her to nurture you? Read more.
Our brain does not distinguish between imagined sights and sounds from real world sensory information.
New research shows that people can reduce their anxiety levels from a single session on meditation.
If you’re already thinking about meditating, then you’re on the right track. The key to staying motivated, though, is figuring out why you want to meditate.
Sound medicine is an ancient practice shared by many cultures and now “sound baths” are hitting the mainstream.
Loneliness in widowed older adults can be reduced by intensive volunteering.
Yoga and mindfulness practice can help students improve their emotional health and wellbeing.
A study shows that our emotional state influences what we see and experience in our world.
Success means different things to different people. What does it mean to you to be successful? Does it involve being rich? Do you yearn for Oprah fame? Or would you rather know that you have raised beautiful, healthy children?
When facing debt men are more tolerant and will use debt for non-essential items while women use debt to bridge the income gap.
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