When people are feeling stressed or anxious, they are able to process and internalise bad news better.
Mind & Spirit
Do you know that a specific archetype is associated with each Sun sign? Choosing to follow that journey can give great insight into your life’s purpose.
Kabbalah likens the body to a tree with 10 energy centres called Sephirots, similar to how energies flow through the chakras.
Many young adults struggling with serious mental illnesses consider religion and spirituality important to for their mental health.
A new research analyses how pedestrians are distracted by smartphone use and give an insight into their behaviour.
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have our own “story” about money. Learn how to make managing your finances an act of self-love.
Most people don’t find it difficult to lie in a foreign language but telling the truth is harder.
The astrological technique of profection associates each year of your life with certain topics. What are the celestial influences for you right now? Read on.
A study mathematically analysed our relationships and determined that the size of our network depends on our cognitive capacities.
Jupiter travels through Scorpio this year and we reveal what to expect, as well as your personal Jupiter-in-Scorpio horoscope
Consciousness may not be fully lost during anaesthesia and may persist in the brain in an altered state.
How you respond to a situation is where your power resides, and reappraisal is one technique that helps to foster resilience from adversity. We take a look.
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