Negative experiences on social media lead to a higher chance of social isolation and loneliness.
Mind & Spirit
Planetary links between the seasons and the qualities of heat, moisture, coolness and dryness can guide you into the correct activities for each season.
In every moment of every day of your life, your thoughts are determining how you feel and behave. Discover how to change your negative self-talk.
Stop….and savour with gratitude the beauty of that Christmas card, the gift, the tree, the dinner, the phone call from a friend, the smile of the girl at the checkout as she says ‘Merry Christmas’. Hang your heart and ears for a moment on the hello and goodbye of the person you are speaking to on the phone and savour the beauty of that exchange…as if it was forever.
A study looks into the neural basis for cute aggression.
Meditation helps you response and learn from feedback in a more even-handed manner compared to those who do not meditate.
Nearly all of us have groups of negative core beliefs, or “lifetraps”, that stem from childhood. Are you ready to do the work to shift them?
Positive thoughts and feelings can help patients achieve better cardiovascular health outcomes.
Social isolation is associated with a higher risk of death from all causes combined and from heart disease.
Daily emotions and how people react to daily stressors can contribute to cognitive decline in older adults.
Social media increases feelings of depression and loneliness.
Children with autism can learn important life skills in mainstream schools as in specialised settings.
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