Establish your rising or ascendant sign, discover your helmsman planet, and identify a special gift you have to share.
Mind & Spirit
Unearth the potentials of your eleventh house and what it has to say about friendships, community and crowd connections.
Discover how the cycles of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto might help you understand your personality and influence your life in 2021.
Cultivating a meditation practice around Zen philosophy can invite more calm, ease and contentment into your yoga practice.
Discover which planet to honour to enhance your vitality, and simple yet powerful rituals for wellbeing and health.
Explore the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and discover why 2021 is perfect for long-term planning and embracing change
Mastering the art of solitude has a range of potentially life-changing rewards if you can learn to embrace it. Here we discover the difference between being alone and being lonely and what you can do to keep a healthy balance.
The sense of smell is the only sense that has a direct link to the brain, it does not run through any other pathways, therefore, the effect of your sense of smell is instant. And because our memories & emotions are stored in this same part of the brain, the limbic system, you are likely to always attach a memory or emotion to what you smell, which ultimately has the ability to alter your mood.
Wondering what’s in store for 2021? Nina Gryphon explores how upheavals will continue in the New Year as Saturn and Uranus square off, triggering change around the world.
On a spiritual level, anxiety has the power to transform your life. Look closely at the lessons your anxiety may be trying to teach you as they may help you to connect to your soul more deeply and, in turn, better your mental health.
Instantly apparent but almost impossible to quantify, is charisma an innate quality or can you learn how to be magnetic?
Ever felt the urge to quit your job, throw everything to the wind and chase your dreams? One reader reflects on her decision to move overseas.
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