Sex in dreams can often be a symbol of union. A way of embracing something that is other to you, or outside your realm of experience and knowledge, and integrating it into who you are.
Mind & Spirit
Dreaming of discovering new rooms in a house usually relate to your own feelings about yourself and where you are in life in the present moment.
There is a variety of dreams in which you or someone else may appear naked. These include dreams of being free, almost released from your body, as well as sensual or sexual dreams.
Mother figures in dreams is often as complex as our relationships with our own mothers and may be exploring a range of issues and emotions. Ultimately, the symbol of the mother is one of creativity, protection and nurturing.
Our heads, being the seat of the brain, are often associated with intellect, logic and reason. The head is where we apportion the mental faculties. For many people, it is where their sense of consciousness resides
Feasting and food dreams often explore ideas around what is healthy for you, what sustains you and how you share with others.
To understand why you might experience a flying dream, it can be helpful to consider what in your life is “holding you down”.
To understand what it may mean if your own father appears in your dream, it can be worthwhile considering not just your relationship with your dad, but also what he may be representing to you.
Falling in your dreams may cause you to look at what you are clinging to in waking life, and whether doing so is beneficial for your growth or not.
The symbol of the car in dreams can relate to our decision-making and how these choices influence outcomes in waking life
Colours can have different meanings, depending on how they appear in your dream.
Who are you? At the deepest level of your psyche, what instinctually drives you? We take a look at Carl Jung’s work on the 12 major archetypes and their shadows.
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