From tantra to Ayurveda, we explore what traditional yoga philosophy has to say about modern-day mindfulness in this self-care guide.
Mind & Spirit
We take a look at a case of memory loss, and how switching up one’s diet to include herbal medicine can help improve overall body and brain health.
Learn a simple yet ancient way to identify astrological aspects in your chart and discover your planetary obstructions and cosmic supports.
Words by Tracey Dwyer. We all want to live positively, but what exactly does that mean? And does negativity have a place? Exploring the vast topic of living positively calls on us to explore our thinking and the emotions and stories that we create. Our thinking is the mastermind behind our activity. Over the years, I […]
The magnitude of feelings that tsunami dreams invoke is no surprise when you consider that water in dreams most often relates to our emotional state.
To understand the meaning of travelling in dreams, it can help to look at the means of travel, the landscape you travel through and obstacles you encounter.
Teeth in your dreams have a variety of symbolic meanings. They can relate to being seen and heard, how you communicate and your relationship with authority.
Are your eyes really the window to your soul? What are the colours of your emotions? We take a look at the latest health and wellness findings.
From planetary power to herbal remedies, discover food and lifestyle tips to enhance your wellbeing according to your astrology.
Dreams of stairs, elevators and ladders are often accompanied by heightened emotions. You may feel a sense of nervousness or anxiety, of effort and labour, or alternatively of exhilaration and release.
Sex in dreams can often be a symbol of union. A way of embracing something that is other to you, or outside your realm of experience and knowledge, and integrating it into who you are.
Dreaming of discovering new rooms in a house usually relate to your own feelings about yourself and where you are in life in the present moment.
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