Happiness is something we all want, but it does not just happen, you have to make it happen. Here we suggest 10 habits you can cultivate to build the happiness you desire.
Mind & Spirit
A compassionate life is one that requires both softness and strength. By cultivating compassion towards yourself and others, you can embrace life’s trials and tribulations with a strong back and soft front.
A small but growing body of neuro-scientific research confirms the existence of “empaths” and “highly sensitive people”. Here’s what to do if you’re one of them.
As we segue into the depth of winter and navigate the full moons and new solar cycles, let your August horoscope be your guide.
Are “right-brain thinkers” really more creative? How do smartphones impact our self-control? We take a look at the answers to some of the biggest questions in this month’s life lines.
The rewards of learning to be empathic are extraordinary. It is critical for fostering kindness, non-violence, happiness and showing true compassion.
A physiotherapist’s first-hand account of battling with bizarre health symptoms and how she redefined success in the face of burn-out and COVID-19.
With some planning, knowledge and support, you can move past common obstacles and towards a healthy lifestyle. Here’s to a happier, healthier you!
Acceptance is about taking ownership of challenges and reclaiming the energy and inspiration to rebuild, reinvent and recreate yourself and your life.
To say sorry in a genuine and meaningful way can be the most self-affirming thing you can do. We take a look at how to say sorry – and truly mean it.
As we pivot towards a better future, we take a yogic look at what imagination is and how to unlock it using a series of accessible asanas.
Energy is existence. Without energy “la dolce vita” becomes a dull life. With energy everything is enlightening and enlivening. Enjoy a fully charged life by plugging energy leaks and tapping into natural power sources.
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