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National Predictions 2025

This detailed analysis examines the principle cycles that take effect from 2025 onward, revealing their meanings for specific countries and their global application. It considers 10 significant countries including Australia, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia and China, examining their birth horoscopes and factors leading into, and beyond, 2025. The result is a holistic vision that makes sense of the challenges of the present and outlines our joint pathways to the future.


A new 12-year cycle begins for Australia with the first quarter of this year. The energies here are traditionally favourable. Lessons learnt through the past 12 years are now being distilled into principles that can inform a new approach to the future. However, there are some powerful mitigating factors here.

Australia’s chart has a built-in tendency to watch what others are doing from a benign distance. This nation attempts to stay detached from, and friends with, everyone. Through this first quarter, the powerful actions of others will impact Australia, moving quickly and without resistance throughout her internal workings. Now, even amidst disruption and change, there is support for Australia to be the voice of reason and common sense.

The qualities that are present now hark back to 2008, when her leadership recognised deep ignorance and cruelty in her past and apologised to the stolen generation. Astrologically, this was a moment of stepping up to a greater destiny. Similar astrological aspects are in place now, calling for a noble response. A total lunar eclipse on March 14th brings strong even explosive events, requiring action. There is a need for clear and direct communication, which may happen behind closed doors. Late May brings the beginnings of a new period. There is creativity, and she is willing to try fresh new approaches to situations at home and with other nations. Changes now will have some benefit, however there will be resistance from key allies. Obstacles and frosty relations could follow.

This is a time when careful diplomacy will bear fruit. Australia needs to stand firm in her vision for herself. There is staunch leadership required now. The partial solar eclipse on September 21st brings some worrying adjustment within the group of nations Australia had counted as friends. By November, everything seems to be moving quickly. Once again there is success and self-belief to be gained from acting according to the principles distilled and embraced in the first quarter of the year.


New Zealand’s position amongst her neighbouring countries has been shifted and clarified over the previous two years. Now, finally, this nation’s leaders and peoples can see the results of the efforts they have been making as there is new gravitas in their dealings. The boundaries they have worked to have established are in place. New Zealand as a nation may feel somewhat shaken by the uncompromising quality of some of the negotiations she has had to engage in over those years. However, her leaders and her people are stronger now and there is greater clarity about what is at stake. This year the foundations they have built will support them to have a louder, more effective voice on the global stage. New Zealand’s Sun is in the sign of Aquarius, and it sits in the philosophical realm in her chart. This brings both idealism and a desire to debate and examine ethical questions.

While her principles as a nation are known to her people, this nation can be confused by the convoluted and at times deceptive arguments of other nations. This year there is a powerful force demanding that New Zealand delve deeply into what she believes as a nation. She is also asked to speak up and to stand her ground. As the communicative, analytical and mental resources are at a peak for this country, she is able to obtain accurate information. Perhaps because of this, communications are intense through this year and beyond.

Because of the tendencies of her Aquarian sun, this small, important country will want to step back and perhaps hide behind words, ideas and future possibilities. However, right from the beginning of 2025 New Zealand is required to be involved in the events affecting nations surrounding her. She is playing a leadership role in this part of the globe and must care for her neighbours. One way is by maintaining communication with the leaders of the countries around her. The total lunar eclipse on September 7th brings worrying news. While this can shake the nation, innovation and new technology come from this time. October and November bring fruitful communication. The words and decisions made now have much weight. The quality of leadership is important now and can offer strong healing.


This year begins with China continuing to experience practical and environmental upheaval. Affairs on the domestic front have already been disrupted through 2024. People feel uncertain about what is being asked of them. Consequently, along with this new year comes heightened anxiety and a desire for greater autonomy among the communities governed by China. By the end of February 2025, the most intense effects of this uneasy transit will have passed. However, what follows is the deep discomfort that arises when all the known and safe elements of daily life are rearranged. There is a major transformation taking place throughout China during 2025. Positive rhetoric abounds in an attempt by the leadership to attribute meaning to the disruption. People are being encouraged to draw on strength and resilience.

The total lunar eclipse on March 14th brings much physical activity and effort. This is a time of explosive action. Just weeks later, a powerful alliance which has been building over many months is consolidated. Come late April and China’s leaders are regarding her neighbours from a position of power. Her scholars are seeking to understand and frame this period by looking into the past. Stories of past heroic times, of great courage and altruism are being told, now and well into 2026.

Beginning in July and August, national pride and belief in her right to lead across the global political landscape is very high. There is not an interest in conversation or in finding a middle way. From this point on, China engages with her neighbours in a changed way. Old alliances are left behind and new ones more in line with the times are embraced. There is an expansive exhilarating sense of movement now for the nation, particularly for those in power. The year ends on a note of caution. The nations who have formed friendships and alliances with China over this year are questioning the value to them of the relationship. The people of the nation are also clamouring for more care and attention. One of the fundamental principles China has revered through the ages is that of respecting and maintaining dynamic balance. As this year draws to a close, the wisdom China has inherited from her ancestors will be an important touchstone.


France’s natal chart shows a tendency to disperse her energies over too many fronts. This year Pluto, the planet of deep and transforming focus, addresses that tendency, bringing an enormous surge of power through 2025. Consequently, France’s relations with other countries are impacted. Throughout the year her clear values and priorities will spearhead whatever she decides to do. They will inform her communication with other nations.

From April through until the end of 2026 she examines and chooses her allies carefully. Having chosen, she makes a strong commitment. Her challenge during this time is to carefully investigate the motives of those she aligns with. She is asked to question and delve deeply into the meanings behind the words being used. What may sound fair and reasonable and in line with France’s sensibilities may ultimately be an illusion.

The year begins with healing and pain in equal measure. There is renewed pride in herself. There is also a demand for intensified action, which requires further sacrifice for her people. Clear and rousing rhetoric is effective, especially in March.

What is said must be honest, as her people will see through any attempt at smoke and mirrors and will have no patience for it. There is a balancing act required. All the various groups in France, based on differing ideals and philosophies, will demand to be seen and heard. With the strong astrological support present this year, France can manage this. She needs to be aware that any major disruptions that occur at home will come from those who feel they haven’t been given a voice.

May brings positive allegiances with other nations based on a common vision. Midyear is an expansive time. France’s knowledge and intelligent analysis of the situations unfolding globally has her leading others. At this time, she scrutinises those she has agreements with and could discard any that no longer serve. Late July her focus is on home. By October she is looking to reframe her external commitments so that she can give more time, energy and resources to her people. The year ends with the nation reflecting deeply on the principles, the knowledge and the vision that form her identity.


This year finds Germany working to establish balance for her people. There are many powerful and disparate needs that must be addressed. Despite the challenges, Germany is in an excellent position to find and articulate the values that belong to all her people.

The year begins with a focus on her institutions, both social and corporate. There is a quiet effort to enhance the cultures here, which involves addressing the emotional health and wellbeing of workers. Her usual approach is being adapted. Well-intentioned lofty decrees will fall on deaf ears. A more detached and cool approach is needed, based on intelligent assessment of the needs of her people.

2025 brings a period of growth and change for Germany in terms of her position in the international community. Until now, she has assumed a stance of leadership amongst surrounding nations. This is a different world where new technology, new answers, new ideals prevail. Her role amongst her neighbours now is more as facilitator than leader.

At the same time, over the next two years her internal focus will need to be on ensuring safety and nurturance for her people. There is a patriotism that could become clouded and misinformed. Germany’s leaders will be called to focus on upholding the principles of the nation as a whole. For the first quarter of the year until April there is an energy which brings fresh conversation and new possibilities both within the country and with other nations. There is a need, however, to manage over-inflated rhetoric from some groups both internal and external.

Both the pain and the successes that have been achieved to this point need acknowledgement now. If this can be done, exciting and unexpected new ideas can emerge. The challenge that follows and sustains through the rest of 2025 is in implementing those emerging ideas. In June, allies and friendly nations act in disappointing, misleading and confusing ways. The general mood is disheartened, until early August when a determined attitude emerges. By early September Germany has found her authority and vision once again. There is a short setback late October before her indomitable will asserts itself once more. Her most effective action now is to embrace the principles that have become clear over the previous months. Ultimately, the power now lies in caring for and securing safety for her people.


India begins with a major alignment on the first day of the new year. The seeds of a new 28-year cycle are planted now. The people are giving voice to their need for adjustment and fresh regulation in the way the country is being lead.

Deep in the internal domestic realms of India there is a demand for greater care. The remote and unseen communities are finding ways to speak and be heard. Externally, this country’s standing around the globe is growing. Other nations and global powers are seeking her friendship. She is aware of her position of power.

March brings a heightened period of change. The nation must consider which of the possible allegiances on offer works best for her. While there has been a noncommittal approach, now there is focus. There is a widespread sense among her people that action is required.

The total lunar eclipse on March 14th stirs turbulent and sudden events. Even more so with the solar partial eclipse on March 29th. This is a very physical time where upheaval is likely.

New serious conversation with India’s network of allies is being generated now. She is less willing to compromise. From this time, India takes a strong stance. While she is consciously drawing on traditions from her ancient past, this is a new period which speaks of a shift in her destiny. In the past India has operated with careful diplomacy, but now she is acting with more force, more will and selfdirection. This determination continues well into 2026.

The new direction has fire to it. India looks to actively address the internal needs of her country and people. At the same time, as a powerful country, she must respond to the demands being made by other nations. India’s response through July and August is to quietly modify her external commitment and to attend to the voices of her own people. From September she is more measured in her engagement on a global front. There is caution now in her words. By the end of 2025, this nation has let go of unnecessary external commitments. This allows her to attend to the deeper current of feeling amongst her own people.


Italy’s natal chart has a glorious enthusiasm for communication, information and connection. For this nation, communication and being part of the flow of ideas, information and networks are healing and affirming. Last year this was impeded, partly by a greater sense of struggle around finance and assets. Partly by a more deepseated sense of being unable to fully believe in a foundation that is sustainable in the long term.

The first quarter of this year brings a renewed confidence in Italy’s unique understanding of beauty. A key virtue here lies in the national character that sees beauty as an accepted part of living day-to-day as an Italian. In the first weeks of 2025, this quality brings nourishment. By late February, a strongly motivated drive peaks toward greater fiscal wellbeing for her people and better communication with friendly nations. This is a potent energy which will bring changes.

Although the sheer tenacity of these moves will bring argument and dissention for a short time, by mid-March there is a steady onward momentum.

April is a significant month for Italy  as a new 30-year cycle begins which affects the sense of identity of the country as a whole. She moves out of a more flamboyant mode into one focused on useful intelligent work. This move is accompanied by two compelling aspects. The most absorbing has Italy’s leaders and her people thinking deeply about who they align themselves with, and how much they let themselves become involved in the struggles of other nations. The second aspect brings new thinking to these questions. By May, her leaders are making clear statements about where the country stands within its community of nations. What follows on the domestic front is turmoil and calls for change.

Although this is definitely challenging, the period of upheaval that lasts into 2026 does bring fresh voices and practical innovations which serve the nation in the long term. The year ends with a period of compassionate unification where there is a sense of everyone working together in response to a greater external need.


The year begins with a renewed drive from Russia to consolidate her power. Her natal chart shows an “all or nothing” quality which is entrenched in the Russian political landscape. The first quarter of 2025 intensifies that quality. A frustration that began in 2024 carries over into this first part of the year, which adds to her gritty determination.

There is little patience in the way she deals with her perceived enemies and even her people. By mid-February there are whispers of support which bring her renewed hope and energy. In early March a powerful alliance is achieved and Russia moves forward, feeling vindicated and with strong belief in the path she has chosen. Structures and supports that had been blocked are reestablished in ways that hold firm as circumstances unfold. The partial solar eclipse on March 29th has the potential to be violent, with major effort and action required. Much is asked of Russia’s allies and her people now while leaders continue to place the highest value on power.

As in 2024, the people, their will and resources are stretched beyond what feels possible. There is a natural pride and inherent sense of nobility and entitlement within the natal chart of Russia. This sense of pride now looks to be weakening the nation. Her energies are beginning to scatter as Russia attempts to achieve too much across too many frontiers.

From May through midyear, relationships with strong allies help to shore up the faltering resources. In fact, these relationships clarify and strengthen the foundations that support Russia. Within her shores the arts begin to flourish and there is some optimism for a time. July and August bring new disruption and with it a strong call throughout the community to have things go back to the way they were. However, it is clear the old ways no longer seem to fit. Leadership becomes even more resolute now. Commencing in September, willing friends step up to back the leaders and this carries the nation through to the end of 2025 and into 2026.


The United Kingdom is already being affected by strong planetary movements as 2024 ends and the new year begins. These influences will unfold further through 2025. Change continues and there is a yearning for stability. However, there is also a sense of hope that past changes will bring better times.

Her ancient ceremonial traditions, artists and thinkers will continue to enthral at home and abroad, however her leadership is being forced to address pressing and complex issues on the domestic scene. This is not new, but now it is not possible to distract global or local attention.

Over the years, internal situations that have seemed dire have been averted or diffused by this nation’s inventive intelligence. This continues to be the approach to take. The leadership and community are capable of working out the details of new and cutting-edge solutions.

Armed with these ideas, the United Kingdom can connect with key powerful allies and offer unexpected, creative solutions that serve both parties. This is so until the end of 2025. The only danger is of being too expansive, too rash or too proud. These periods of brilliance will need to be underpinned by appropriate effort and preparation, and a willingness to deal with challenges step by step. There is no doubt that key people will be required to work hard and draw on their keenest abilities, but these efforts will be effective.

It is also important to note that this is a year when people across many different communities within the nation prove to be a rich resource. They will demand space to be heard in a dramatic and even flamboyant way.

Midyear brings disruption causing certain structures to dissolve or fall apart. This is outside of normal controls.

What can be managed is how this nation responds. It is possible to hold a philosophical, even lion-hearted stance. Early October brings a strong alliance that empowers both parties.

This year is about momentum for the United Kingdom. There is a balancing act for the nation’s leaders with change on one hand and judicious maintenance on the other. Those who are making decisions will be asked to keep the wellbeing of the community front and centre as they make decisions. Much can be achieved this year in this way.


The ravaging effect of Pluto’s return to its natal position continues. The ultimate effect of this major transit is renewal and clarity, however it has its own timing. Put simply, Pluto is about destruction first, then reemergence out of the debris. It is important to know that what is essential and true cannot be destroyed, it is strengthened. However, this continues to be a vulnerable time despite new rhetoric and the many words being spoken.

Events of last year have rumbled through the community. One sector is forging ahead uninterested in self-examination. Another is asking painful questions about the nature of the bonds that unite the people of this nation. Ideas abound, while all sides seek a practical new vision that will serve the community and the globe.

With the end of April a new mood descends, bringing a sense of confusion and loss. This sustains into 2026. While this is happening, many inhabitants turn to the arts, religion and spirituality for some understanding and solace. May brings both tumult and new possibility. There is a focus now on what must be done. This is time for innovation. Talk now becomes more practical as people look with clear eyes at what they share and what must be done to achieve stability.

By midyear the focus on a common cause expands, bringing a renewed shared understanding of what is needed and what is possible. It is vital to avoid hubris and pride as this vision forms. At this time, the nation is served by identifying the values they universally hold dear.

Through the second half of 2025, the United States plays a crucial global role. There is an underlying impetuous force wanting conflict. The language being used assumes this is inevitable. It is not. A major factor in maintaining stability is the value this nation places on its duty, strength and responsibility. As the second half of the year unfolds, this powerful nation is being called to act according to the values that lie at its very heart.

Article Featured in WellBeing Predictions 2025

Jude Davies

Jude Davies

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