Weight-loss Blogs and the Heroic Journey of the Blogger

The Dark Mistress took a short holiday from Blogging and spent her time … well … reading other Blogs. Once you get over all the crap gobbledygook product blogs served on pages one and two of Google’s Blog Search there are some great souls out there in the Blogosphere.

Life Blogs are like movies without the artifice. We learn about the world of the Blogger, that world gets interrupted by something dramatic (like the doctor telling you to lose 10 kilos or get diabetes), the Blogger acts, the Blogger discovers their action is all messed up, the Blogger has an epiphany, and then the Blogger re-invents themselves to achieve true destiny.

Playing Archetypal Psychologist for a minute – it turns out that regardless of topic, Blogging is just another version of the hero’s journey. In old media we talk about “finding the hero” in every story, but in new media the hero is the writer not the subject written about. In old or new media it seems, there is still only one way to tell the human story.

It is easy to be cynical about the proliferation of New Year Blogs on weight-loss, fitness, health and work/life balance as pure indulgence, but why shouldn’t we honor the simple truth that some belief in the heroism of our own lives is necessary to create life change? There is nothing like declaration of intent as a power moment. And heroic journeys are addictive.

If you are starting the year with a new blog on life, health, weight-loss, fitness, radical commitment to raw food, or any other kind of life change we’d love to hear from you.

Progress Update – Will the Dark Mistress find sunshine, weight-loss, fitness and stress-relief this year – who knows, she’s having fun trying…
Weight-loss Status Update: For this week’s weigh-in The Dark Mistress was a full kilo lighter than when she finished the fast – so much for sudden weight-loss being bad!
Fitness Status Update: Managed to do the Dee Why to Manly SunRun in Sydney yesterday despite it being 36 degrees at 7am. I would share the data, but keep forgetting to turn off my RunKeeper each time I finish an event.
Stress Relief Status Update: Skipping alcohol does reduce stress – is it just me or is going off the booze trendy at present? Everyone is on the wagon.


The Dark Mistress
The Balance Blog – A reflection on virtual life versus embodied life; ostensibly finding sunshine, holistic fitness, natural weight-loss and stress relief for an obsessed workaholic screen addict, with the occasional dig at the World Wide Web.

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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