Happy place

Take only the happiness from every place

Some artists have a muse for inspiration. In Greek and Roman mythology specific muses were linked to arts, such as Erato the goddess of lyric and love poetry. Some people believe in a personal spirit guide. And others look to a god for wisdom, performing ritual and prayer to inspire creativity.

For me, it can be an unexpected dream with extremely special words which somehow, from somewhere unknown, offers me random guidance on life and writing. The words are spoken by a nurturing  and strong female voice and I wake up serene and blessed, with the words rolling around my head for weeks. The dreams are rare – just one every few years. They are not my intuition. They come from elsewhere. I cannot conjure it – I’ve tried. And I cannot demand an answer to a question.

Nor can I pretend the dreams are not real.

Notions of a spiritual or energetic presence guiding or watching over us can be considered unproven or ridiculous in a westernised world where science must prove all matter and manifestation. But, for many of us, life is about undoing the doubt; healing the energy connection and side-stepping the scientific mind traps.

Artwork: Spirit Sorbet

While I find it challenging to believe any other energy has cause to control us, even a little, I do recognise even the sun, wind or rain controls my everyday behaviour. Another person’s physical actions can influence mine. Our ancestors’ lifestyles and history built the world we live in today. Their DNA swirls inside all of us, shaping our interests and talents and looks. So why not believe in some form of universal energy guiding us, either just hinting at or perhaps leading all the way to our destiny?

So why not believe in some form of universal energy guiding us, either just hinting at or perhaps leading all the way to our destiny?

“Take only the happiness from every place” was the message that rolled into my pillow at a time I was at a crossroads, not knowing what to do with the absolute joy I had for places, people or experiences which had been thrown into doubt. Was I allowed to have good memories even if they were scarred ? Did I need to carry a heavy heart just because somebody else did ? Could anyone tell me who to love, what place to adore and what memories to hold strong or what to forget?

The words made sense.

I now actively choose to remember and take with me the happiness from every place. A memory without happiness, I try to leave behind. Because our memories need to be selective sometimes.

So, too, our beliefs. Selective enough to embrace being open-minded to a vast universe of energy gently prodding us toward joy.


Disclaimer: this blog post is intended as a beautiful and thought-provoking article for entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for medical care.  No representations are made as to the completeness of any information and the author is not liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the use of this information.

Renee Bes

Renee Bes

Renee Bes is an international journalist and author who loves delving into the spiral of energy which keeps our Earth spinning: and believes storytelling with a focus on beloved language and powerful words can be a healing journey. Read more articles on her personal website and blog.

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