Byron Shire

The tree-change children of Byron Shire

You don’t have to go far to notice the barefoot children of the tree-change pioneers throughout the Byron Shire in northern New South Wales.

So in love with their Earth and raised with constant exposure to the diverse beliefs about Mother Nature’s energy, is it any wonder even these ‘big kids’ still go barefoot?

I adore the easygoing lifestyle of true Earth people. I love their divine connection, radiant energy and calm disposition guided immensely by their love for nature and their freedom of spirit.

Whether meeting locals while hiking the Cape Byron trail, talking to people in shops or simply having a coffee, I am enchanted to be surrounded by community-minded people who clearly feel safe and delighted in their choices about their own lifestyles.

Reading the February 10 edition of the local newspaper, The Byron Shire Echo, even the stories reflect what is meaningful to its readers.

The front page highlights a local Brunswick Heads bush school held every Thursday, children aged six to 13 can “spend the day outside on nearby bushland to reconnect with nature and learn practical wilderness skills”.  Happy-faced children are named Yael, Yoar, Spike, Onyx and Tal. The photographer is credited as Jeff “Where the Wild Things Are” Dawson.


Another story launches the mindfulness program at the Pocket Public School, which aims to give children “life skills for tuning into their inner experiences” and self-calming.

Further in, a whole page reprints an article from The Conversation on the value of lucid dreaming to neuroscience research.

I love their divine connection, radiant energy and calm disposition guided immensely by their love for nature and their freedom of spirit.

And, below this, letters to the editor offer insight into resident concerns covering everything from a bill of human rights for Australians through to quantum mechanics. One letter is from a resident in the township of Federal citing issues surrounding the production of butter versus margarine – he first moved to Byron Shire in the 1950s.

The same can be said for local radio and talkback programs, on which callers debate the medicinal uses of cannabis through to politics. Despite having 10 stations programmed into the car radio, I heard more conversation than music.

So I wondered, do the second- and third-generation tree-change and sea-change children really care as much about being community-minded and connected to the Earth as their parents and grandparents?

Energy healer, massage therapist, yoga teacher and crystal worker Seriya, of Akshaya Healing, is a glowing beam of the future for Byron Shire.

She says her parents moved to the area as some of the original hippies.

Growing up surrounded by her mother’s work with crystals and living in ashrams in India has had a huge influence on her, although initially she rebelled against her upbringing by living in the city, studying at university and working around the world for wealthy business people.

She took time to reconnect to what is meaningful in her life after the loss of a close friend.

Now back in Byron Shire, Seriya works as a healer connected to divinity. She has been instrumental in establishing crystal workshops at the Crystal Castle and Shambhala Gardens near Mullumbimby, as well as holding sound bath meditations. She also holds special retreats such as Nourish Your Soul and Glamping (glam camping). Seriya says the main aim of these retreats is for people to reconnect and energise through being outdoors.

Using her worldwide knowledge of indigenous traditional healing from Native American Indian to Asian and Hawaiian, Seriya brings a wealth of knowledge combined with a gift of intuition for her clients.

Another beautiful branch of the ever-growing trees of descendants in one of Australia’s most endearing communities.

And I know … I can feel it … with the tree-change children, this Earth is in safe and loving hands.

In a local cafe in Byron Bay town, a toddler is placed in a high-chair, then his mum goes about a bit of work in her and her partner’s business. The curly-bobbed little boy happily smiles and makes noises at me and other customers.

He shows no sign of anxiety, he doesn’t start crying or screaming, he is happy to just be.

As I stand up to leave, he immediately says “bye-bye” as he crumples his hand in a wave … so I blow him a huge handful of kisses with beautiful words.

“He just blew a kiss back at you,” a staffer says.

I look and he is covering his eyes with his hands and then opening them while smacking his lips with kisses – like peek-a-boo and blowing kisses at the same time!

And I know … I can feel it … with the tree-change children, this Earth is in safe and loving hands.



* My utmost gratitude to all the healers and Mother Earth’s gifts across the Byron Shire.

Disclaimer: this blog post is intended as a beautiful and thought-provoking article for entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for medical care.  No representations are made as to the completeness of any information and the author is not liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the use of this information.

Renee Bes

Renee Bes

Renee Bes is an international journalist and author who loves delving into the spiral of energy which keeps our Earth spinning: and believes storytelling with a focus on beloved language and powerful words can be a healing journey. Read more articles on her personal website and blog.

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