Random Acts of Kindness!

Finally, I have been able to gain internet access to share with you another occurrance that has added to the list of the many wonderful things that have occurred in my life since the breast cancer diagnosis.

I am aboard the Dawn Princess cruise ship enroute to the New Zealand Fjords currently somewhere in the middle of the Tasman.  As I type this I am listening to the creaking and groaning of the ship as she ploughs through the notoriously rough stretch of water.

A dear friend of my grandfathers vintage and integrity decided I needed a break and had a spare space for me to join this adventure.  Who does that these days I thought? No catches? No hidden agendas?  A random act of kindness!  After battling with myself as to whether I could allow myself the break I have now been at sea for 2 and a half days. 

It seems the pace at which I have managed to maintain working nearly 7 days per week for months on end was more manic than I thought.  Feeling like there is still so much to do however now its slow travel, slow internet and slow pace.  Leaving me a little frazzed right now.

After thinking for a long time I belonged to generation X, I have now decided that I must be cuspian gen Y….  Are we there yet??

To think how many of our family and ancestors traveled what must have seemed like forever across the world to get to Australia.. and by no means on a luxury vessel.  Amazing really!

The nutritionist in me is in full force and seeking the healthiest options for meals is proving limited.  Certainly not the place for the organic, biodynamic, vege juicing and prebiotic proteins.

Oh well it is Christmas after all so a break from the regime, enjoying a glass of french champagne, hold the pavlova!

As I sit with my fruit and my emergency supply of Kapai Puku perched at a breakfast counter I am finding myself conducting my 10 minute food diary analysis to prove to people what poor nutrition is doing to them and what good nutrition can do for them.

I am actually astounded and pained by the number of unwell people aboard.  What I am excited about is that in sharing my story some are asking if I can help them to improve their situation?  Of course I can.  It’s just not that difficult 

Many people would feel a thousand times better if they just drank some more ‘clean’ water!

To keep driving home this point. I am extending my food diary analysis offer to the first 15 blog readers. 

Two steps to follow.

1. Email now at helen@leadingedgelifestyle.com.au to reserve your time with me directly in early January 2012. 

2. Continue your guilt free Christmas celebrations as I will have you feeling fitter, healthier and happier in 2012.

If technology permits I will write again to share more of my spontaneous adventures. If not, I thank you all so much for your kind words of support and encouragement throughout this year.

There are many goals I look forward to achieving in 2012 and look forward to sharing the continuation of this breast cancer journey with you.

Wishing you all every happiness, more adventures and much fulfillment for Christmas and the year ahead.

‘Sometimes things in life are not what they seem, they’re even better!’

xx Helen

Helen McCumisky

Helen McCumisky

After completing studies in nutrition and life coaching. Helen's current areas of research and interest are epigenetics, psycho-neuro immunology and hormones. Helen has developed a unique five-step program that strengthens the immune system and creates an inspired emotional state where clients take 100 per cent responsibility for their health and lifestyle choices. The mission for Helen's business Leading Edge Lifestyle is the pursuit of Freedom: physical, emotional and spiritual.

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