Sound is often a background noise in our daily lives but are we taking it for granted? Could sound be the primordial creative source from which all life has manifested?
Calming the mind allows us to still our worries and thoughts and let us reside in the present.
We are now at the dawning of a new level of consiousness. Becoming aware of it is much easier than you think.
Are you feeling uneasy or nervous? Many of us experience a continuous underlying level of anxiety that makes relaxing difficult. Keep reading for ways to release anxiety and create calmness.
A smile is such a simple thing and the emotional, physical and mental benefits it brings are wide-ranging. But if you’re having a bad day, how can you turn that frown upside-down?
Picking our way through the many paths to truth and transcendence
Words convey love, offer hope, communicate vital information and reduce pain. Words wound, provoke anger, end close relationships and start wars. Shouldn’t we use them a little more wisely?
Can we really know who we are until we find out what internal impulses drive us towards our actions? It may be that what we defended ourselves against as children informs our actions as adults.
We all try to keep it together, but sometimes you have to let the threads of your life unravel before happiness and healing can occur.
Do you know what you really want out of life? The first step to knowing is learning to really let go and allow your truth to reveal itself.
The decision not to enter parenthood is rarely an easy one. Childless women, in particular, face the challenge of fitting into a society that expects them to become mothers. So how, within this context, can a woman make peace with her choice?
Ecopsychology is a relatively new professional field linking ecology with psychology. It believes we can use the natural environment to heal our psyche while also helping heal the environment itself.
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