In the past 20 years, modern science has confirmed that seasons do affect mood. SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is prominent in the winter months during which there is a link between the decreased hours of sunlight and the occurrence of depression.
Every day, you have the option to love yourself by choosing thoughts, words and actions that serve you. But how often do you sell out on yourself and settle for less than you deserve?
Having an optimistic outlook can prevent specific diseases and promote longevity.
Perhaps you’re a perfectionist, a hopeless romantic or a mediator. This system of psychological mapping will help you understand your personality inside out.
A therapy that costs nothing, takes no time and requires you to be the therapist.
Looking beneath the surface can teach you a lot about your shadow self and help heal bad relationships.
Sexual fantasies not only stimulate the body, they can also be good for your health.
To achieve your goals, you first have to identify what they are.
Juggling and maintaining the work/life balance can help eliminate the stress and exhaustion and hive a feeling of improvement and quality in our lives.
Many ancient and sacred sites were constructed to honor the Winter Solstice as a pivotal point in the year with the birth of the new Sun.
There are so many different definitions of love. So what exactly is this elusive thing we desire?
Unless you are ambidextrous and feel comfortable performing most tasks with either hand, your body is in a constant state of imbalance, favouring either the left or the right. Setting out to redress this tension can lead to an opening of the mind and an appreciation for being in the moment.
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