

The business of burnout

The Japanese have a word that means “sudden death by overwork”, which is a good sign that we may need to rethink attitudes about our working lives. So how did we get here and what are the alternatives?

Everyone has issues

Something that I hear over and over from people is them wondering whether other people have the same sorts of issues that they have, is what I’m telling you “normal” or have you never heard it before? Am I a total weirdo and the only one feeling this???

Stress… Reality vs. Perception

Stress is such as broadly used term these days. We hear of stress management, stressed out, biological stress, environmental stress, post traumatic stress. Hans Selye a scientist and pioneer of stress wrote of stress theory back in the early 1930’s. Interestingly the introduction of this term coincided with the Great Depression.

Are you grounded in your body or your head?

Most people if they were honest would probably say their head. You know when you’re in your head when you think too much, can’t sleep as you are thinking and suffer from analysis paralysis. You can also tell if you are in your head if life lacks that fullness and luster that you have experienced before.


Why you shouldn’t shop until you drop!

Shopping has evolved from being a necessary chore to one of the primary leisure activities in Western countries like Australia and New Zealand. There is a common perception that consumerism is innate and that the love of shopping is hard-wired into people: unfortunately, history suggests otherwise.