While by its nature disappointment is not a pleasure, if you approach it in the right way your happiness need not be tarnished.
People who are “lucid dreamers†are better at problem solving when awake.
Some music makes you feel powerful and now we know why.
Your answer to one single question indicates if you are a narcissist.
Meditation is touted as a recipe for happiness and the evidence from millennia of practice and scientific studies suggests it does have a real, positive impact
Research suggests that without creativity happiness is hard to find, so it’s a good idea to find ways to light your creative fire and let happiness burn.
We are all intuitive beings and, when we trust our intuition, it becomes clearer and more powerful.
People prefer doing almost anything, even giving themselves an electric shock, to doing nothing.
Reducing your stress levels can improve short-term memory for older adults.
A special form of brain training called neurofeedback has groundbreaking applications for treating everything from seizures to anxiety and chronic pain.
A cheerful, optimistic, trusting view of the world protects against dementia.
When you feel lost, using your dreams for guidance can help you get back on track
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