Can washing the dishes wash away your stress?
Feeling anxious? Being optimistic might be the key to calm down your anxiety.
Research has found a single element that makes people more likely to take up music, art, and theatre.
The words you choose when you Tweet can reveal your political leanings according to new research.
You give yourself better advice if you imagine yourself as Sigmund Freud.
How witty! Sarcasm may actually boost creativity.
We all need breaks in the work day but you can make your breaks work for you?
Here’s a simple way to recognise negative thought patterns and learn how mindfulness helps you get off the negativity freeway.
Meditation offers huge benefits for your personal wellbeing. Now, mindfulness training is being recognised as an investment in your professional life as well.
Technology can be a bane or a boon — it all depends on how you use it. We roadtest six apps that help you access wellbeing with a touch.
Why is it so hard to remember which day of the week it is? Now we know.
From clinical anxiety to everyday stresses, mindfulness is a useful tool to combat worry.
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