Sometimes bad news can actually be good if you know how to approach it.
Bird Dance have you seen the birds dance as they sway as they sway way way up high have you seen the birds dance? have you felt the moon glow as it beams down below warm the night in a glow have you felt the moon glow? have you heard the grass whisper stalks fine […]
Research reveals a close link between James Bond and the real-life CIA.
The human mind will sometimes believe what it expects over what is logical.
We each have a shell, an outer image. Created by our universe it will always be incredulously beautiful and miraculous.
Where does motivation come from? We investigate how to get going and keep going.
The way you express your New Year’s resolutions influences their success.
Empathy and compassion for a stranger need not be innate; it can be learned.
Made up words are predictably funny depending on their “entropy”.
If you are not happy, you have the choice to change your circumstances.
A poem of gratitude to mother nature.
The internet changes how confident we are in knowing things.
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