

Passing behaviour

How attached are you to your coffee mug? Are you really quite fond of that pen you have? Maybe you have a quiet, and inexplicable, appreciation of that new pair of scissors you have in the draw? You might think that all of these bonds to the inanimate objects of your life are your own […]

Walks predict aggression

As a species we place great emphasis on our ability to communicate. As soon as you read that sentence your thoughts will have immediately turned to our linguistic skills; our capacity to talk, read, and write. As important as this is to who we are as a species a significant amount of our communication actually […]


Smartphone choice and personality

You make hundreds of decisions very day. Let’s be honest, not all of those decisions are optimal but they are you and as such they reveal something about you. It would be possible to infer aspects of your personality from any choice you make but if you want to go down that road why not […]