If you feel emotions strongly and are incredibly attuned to the world around you, you may be a highly sensitive person. Read how you can create a life of subtlety and wonder.
Researchers investigate how periodic pricing influences purchase decisions.
Some people are sceptical about science buy not all scepticism is the same and depends on various contributors.
A brain region – the piriform complex stores olfactory long-term memories with the help of instructions from another brain region.
Are your doubts and fears holding you back from going after what you want? By understanding and working with your natural responses, you can meet fears head-on and make those dreams happen.
A new study says there is no relationship between rainfall and joint or back pain.
The pursuit of happiness is a human quest yet, when you focus less on being happy and more on connecting with others and your life purpose, your goal may just find you.
People who earn more experience positive emotions relating to self while less income earners find pleasure in their relationships.
People who are frustrated because their basic psychological needs are not met are likely to have recurring bad dreams.
Microblogging may provide a way to buffer negative emotions in people who experience social anxiety.
When sensory overload threatens your equilibrium, it’s empowering to learn that you can also use your senses to find internal focus and calm.
Mindfulness helps us cope better when we are waiting for uncertain news.
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