Trauma can be healed by pulling out the seeds that were planted then empowering you with the tools that remove the impact of the trauma.
Diversity is not only important for your gut microbiome, it’s also important that we embrace a diverse society and diverse workplaces. Diversity equals resilience and we can always learn from those different to ourselves.
We take care of our physical bodies without even thinking, but we’re not always so good at taking the same care with our minds. Developing and maintaining a self-care practice can take time and effort, but it is just as important for your emotional and mental health.
Oceans produce half of the world’s oxygen and absorb one-third of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions. Who doesn’t love a stroll on the beach or a swim in the waves? Being near the ocean provides a bounty of physical and psychological health benefits that you may not be aware of.
As she grieved the loss of her unborn child, one reader was surprised to find it brought an unexpected sense of ease and presence into her life.
Psychological courage involves facing a deep-seated fear of acknowledging and accepting your faults and vulnerabilities. We look at how you can confront the truth of your behaviours and elicit change.
Daydreaming and allowing your imagination to run free is not only an effective way to creatively problem solve, it’s also a sure-fire way to promote greater wellbeing.
Social media can often make us feel inadequate or not good enough. Do you want to move away from comparison and towards self-acceptance?
By making simple yet deliberate changes to the way you interact with the world around you, you have an opportunity to help, inspire, support and delight others in kind and thoughtful ways.
Daydreaming and allowing your imagination to run free is not only an effective way to creatively problem solve, it’s also a sure-fire way to promote greater wellbeing.
When change happens in life, it can be a shock or a more subtle shifting under the surface. Either way, change can rewrite the rules and challenge your assumptions and expectations about what works, what the future holds and even how you perceive yourself.
Finding opportunities for stillness throughout your day helps soothe the nervous system for optimal health.
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