
Natural therapies for stress relief

I first developed this technique after recognising the need for a new approach to health when my rugby-tortured neck refused to “stay” in place. After years of pain, a chiropractor who was interested in the neurological and psychological connections to structure suggested the reason my neck remained a problem was related to past emotional issues. With a few months of focus on this possible connection, my neck “stayed”.

Powerfully affected by this experience, I studied all available methods that link our physical health to programming and issues that remain buried in our minds and bodies. Along this path, I learned, absorbed, modified and extended the information I was receiving from pre-eminent teachers in neuro-linguistics, neuro-organisation, chiropractic, homoeopathics, hypotonixs, and several other ground-breaking modalities.

In 1999 I took a contemplative trip to India, to more clearly define my life’s direction. Here I expanded my vision of the spiritual and conscious implications of what I had learned and made the crucial decision to dedicate all my professional time to the process of developing and refining NSR. Since then my wife Julie and I have worked with thousands of clients, dealing with personal health problems, business and professional challenges, relationship struggles and myriad other issues.

The NSR concept

NSR looks at the brain like a computer and works to clear the unconscious programs that rule so much of our lives. Most people are unconscious of just how many programs are running every minute and how they affect us on every level — physical, chemical, emotional and energetic. The following exercise highlights just one of the connections between mind and body:

Imagine going into a fruit shop and buying a couple of bright yellow lemons. You pick up one of the lemons and smell its sharp lemon aroma as you put it into your trolley. When you get home, you pick out one of the lemons, put it on a chopping board and slice it into quarters. You pick up a quarter of the lemon and you take a big bite. It’s the juiciest lemon you’ve ever eaten.

At this point the saliva flow in your mouth will probably have increased, even though there is no lemon actually there. Your body produced saliva even though your conscious mind knew there was no lemon coming. This simple example is a powerful illustration that your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is imagined and what is real. Like the reaction of your saliva glands, your body is constantly responding to conscious and unconscious stimuli. Watching movies provides other examples. If you watch a war movie, your body prepares for war. Many fears and phobias have their roots in scary movies. Even if you imagine a fight, argument or confrontation, your body prepares for it; your heart beats furiously, adrenaline is pumping and your mind becomes anxious. This is enough to leave you irritable and grumpy for hours. Your mind, thoughts and emotions affect your body. Thus, if you can’t turn off the mind, you can’t stop the body’s reaction.

The filing system

Your mind’s filing system stores all past memories together with the emotional charge associated with the event or memory. This not only takes up energy but files a “trigger”, so when a similar situation occurs, it unleashes the old and past emotional charge. What’s more, these files and charges build up so that minor triggers end up causing larger reactions! Imagine what happens when your filing system is full. It can eventually manifest in a mid-life crisis, anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, depression or some other physical or emotional guise. All body illness reflects the fact that something has been triggered in the mind, because memories, files and charges are stored in not only the brain but also the muscles, bones, organs and glands of your body. Many of us have had the experience of thinking about something and suddenly getting a sharp pain somewhere, even though we didn’t move.


Computer programs

Our mind is like a computer. We write our own programs as we live out our lives. We download new programs when we learn something new. Often these files and programs are associated with negative life experiences, and most are hidden in the subconscious mind. Examples of these are everywhere. A relationship failure or parents’ failed marriage can lead to sabotaging behaviours in your current relationships. Financial setbacks install negative programs that cause excessive caution or even paranoia about money or investments. Several confrontations that end in anger will cause a defensive or avoidance program. If you get a knock-back for a pay rise one year, how confident are you when asking for one next time? If you catch a cold two winters running, you may well expect one in the next. Negative attitudes to learning picked up at school can block real learning throughout life. Few children leave school wanting to learn more. Most of them vow never to learn again! Although this may be an exaggeration, it often takes us years before we break through our learning blocks picked up in schools.

We all run programs in our life, some conscious, some subconscious. NSR works to eliminate those programs that cause us to fall short of our goals or get sick. The aim of NSR is to give each of us the tools to live more consciously and in better health.

Some say we are our own worst enemy. NSR is about making your mind a friend that works with you and for you. To do this we need to clean up the filing system and send unwanted files, charges and programs to the recycle bin. In business or at home we buy computer program updates and quickly adapt to the new technology. We clear out the files that slow down the computer and invest in the latest programs. Why is it that we don’t do the same for the computer in our head? Is it really any surprise that we get tired, sick and worn out when we spend a lifetime putting programs into our mind, most of which we don’t want or have become corrupted?

Becoming conscious of the subconscious

When a subconscious program is triggered, it leads to physical, chemical, emotional or energetic reactions. One NSR client swore he only got headaches at work. As soon as he walked through the door at work it started, and as soon as he left the headache abated. Another client always lost weight on holidays, even though she ate junk food during that time. A middle-aged woman’s face would break out in acne every time her mother would visit from interstate, and she would begin to act like a rebellious child. These physical and emotional changes are reflections of programs and charges stored away in our subconscious. We can control and overcome all this programming once the charges and subconscious associations are cleared.

Authentic self

You may be a father who is calm, clear and confident at work but short-tempered around your children. You may be a woman who is outgoing at work but very submissive to your partner and super-controlling of your children. It’s amazing how quickly we can move from one personality to another, such as when a friend comes over unexpectedly, or you notice someone watching you as you discipline your child. NSR pinpoints and highlights the “sub-personalities” or “hats” we put on in different situations … the father, worker, lover, provider, party-goer, and the emotional hats of anger and depression we get stuck or trapped in. These sub-personalities, if not cleared, prevent us from acting consciously. NSR makes us conscious of these programs and clears them.
When your subconscious is clear you will discover who you really are. Our conscious mind is only the tip of the predominantly subconscious iceberg. It’s no wonder we lose control of our emotions and behave in peculiar ways. Here’s an amusing explanation of life for those of us using only five per cent of our brain. It isn’t far from the descriptions many NSR clients give before a treatment or workshop.

My life’s like a computer… I feel jammed up and ready to crash! There’s so much going on it seems that my screen is full of icons. I wish other people would stop triggering them off because I can’t sleep at night. I also think I’ve got someone else’s files, as these voices can’t all be mine. There’s so much to do with work, the kids, their sport, my parents and their illness, it’s like there’s no more room left in my inbox. My clients keep upping their demands, but my output is falling and I can’t focus. I think the print server is down or the document feeder is jammed, because nothing is getting through. My energy is so low I think I’ve got a virus — maybe it’s just a worm or that my memory banks are full. While we’re talking about hard drives, my ram’s not ramming like it used to, either. I know I can’t get a new computer unless I chop off my head, so I need to learn how to delete files and reprogram and update the one I’ve got. I need to clear some of the attachments and get rid of this baggage.


The NSR technique

It has been said that your eyes are the windows to your soul. NSR uses your eyes as the keyboard to your brain. Like the earlier story about the lemon, the following quiz will give you firsthand experience of how your eyes are the link to accessing files and memories. Ask someone the following questions and watch their eyes. Everyone will be different, but you will notice clear movement, especially when the memories are not so easy to recall.

  1. What colour shirt did you wear yesterday?
  2. What is the brand of your television?
  3. Do you remember the last time you went to the supermarket?
  4. Was the person who served you male or female?
  5. Were you hungry at the time?

Physically, your eyes leads to the mid-brain (thalamus) via the optic nerve. The mid-brain is the relay station, sending thoughts, messages and information to all parts of the body and mind. As such, the mid-brain is the key to mind-body healing, with the eyes being the entry point. Therefore the eyes are not only the windows of the soul but windows to mind and body as well. If you push your eyes into 12 different directions (like a light eye massage), you can “actively access” all parts of the brain and its filing system. Like a computer, you need to put something on the screen, either physically, chemically, emotionally or energetically (see NSR system), then you press “click” to the brain by doing the NSR eye modes, and these files and the negative charges associated with them are deleted.

The NSR system

NSR is a combination of many healing modalities, using both ancient and modern concepts. These have been integrated into one new system that’s easy to learn and understand and is relevant to our times. There are three parts to the NSR system:

1. The NSR eye mode technique

The physical technique that clears stress relief and negative charge directly from the filing system of your brain. It resets body systems and can change your emotional state in seconds.

2. Kinesiology

Kinesiology is a muscle monitoring system which, taught the NSR way, is extremely simple to use. This is a technique discovered and used thousands of years ago by Native American Indians. They called it flow, as it was a test to see if energy was flowing. Today, practitioners in many fields are using this technique as an indicator of what’s going on in a client’s body. This muscle testing provides profoundly accurate information and allows those who learn the technique to navigate the NSR system. With a little practice, it allows us to discover anything about ourself, on a physical, chemical, emotional or energetic level, and to tap into the subconscious mind right down to a cellular level.

3. The overall NSR system

Following is a brief summary of individual aspects of the NSR System.

  • Affirmations and commands
    The NSR system uses affirmations and commands to open and access all parts of our body and brain’s filing system. These commands are designed to make sure nothing hides and everything is cleared on all levels of consciousness.


  • Major life areas
    The NSR system covers all the areas of life that have issues, stress, charge, because all areas of our life need to be balanced if we are to be fully conscious human beings.



  • Yin/yang balance
    The NSR system encompasses the yin/yang philosophy, balancing all the major opposites of life, both individually and in relation to all other parts of the NSR system.



  • Five elements
    The NSR system has adapted the ancient five element system of fire, earth, metal, water and wood, turning it into a modern-day life map. This system can tell you where you are, where you’re going and what you have to do to deal with in relation to specific issues. This is also where we weed out all the negative associations to things like money and relationships, and refile them with the positive affirmation.



  • Obstacles
    The NSR system also recognises external factors that influence us, termed “obstacles”. These are issues like surrogating (taking on others’ issues) and self-sabotage. Once again, these may be issues on their own or may be the block that stops us from fast-tracking our goals.



  • Body rewiring
    The NSR advanced system has modified and simplified structural modalities, literally rewiring the body on a physical level so that the body will heal itself. Areas covered include resetting cranials, hip twists, scoliosis, the TMJ (jaw), the balance system and more.



  • Body systems
    The NSR advanced system teaches you about your own body as you heal yourself. This is the chemical system where you can clear and reset each system, right down to a specific hormone level if you need to. NSR workshops teach how to reset the 10 major body systems, your organs and your glands.



  • Chakras
    Where the Chinese use the five element system, the traditions of India focus more on the chakras, or energy centres. The NSR system combines both, adapting them to modern times. There are body system chakras, sense chakras, secondary chakras and the seven major energy centres themselves. This section addresses energy fields, also known as auric fields.NSR is a holistic healing system that everyone can learn. Like buying a computer that comes complete with software, NSR is a complete package on its own as well as a system within which other programs and modalities can run. NSR calls this “healing integration”. Anyone can learn NSR without any previous background in healing. NSR is the join-the-dots or paint-by-numbers healing system that has simplified the complex and makes learning it fun.

    For further information telephone 1300 131 148 or visit

    Peter O’Neill is a Queensland kinesiologist.


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The WellBeing Team

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