Natural methods of treating low serotonin

Serotonin is an important brain chemical that is responsible for a range of functions. Serotonin helps to regulate mood, sleep cycles, appetite and memory to name a few.

Low serotonin levels or imbalances can indicate that the brain is not producing enough of the hormone to properly regulate mood and stress levels. Low serotonin levels can cause problems such as depression as well as migraines, weight gain, panic attacks, carbohydrate cravings and insomnia.

Natural methods of treating low serotonin
Anti-depressants are commonly prescribed to help restore the balance of serotonin in the brain.

Thankfully, there are natural methods of treating low serotonin and to regulating these levels. Natural methods of treating low serotonin include ensuring you receive 7-8 hours of sleep per night, making correct dietary choices and getting enough exercise.

Diet is a natural method of treating low serotonin. Leafy green vegetables are a good choice. They are nature’s antidepressants as they are a high source of folic acid. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are also known for having natural antidepressant properties and may also help increase serotonin levels. Avocado, yoghurt and bananas are also beneficial as they contain tryptophan, which the body uses to make serotonin. Along with this, B-complex vitamins play a key role in breaking down the production of neuro chemicals, which also helps create serotonin. While there are plenty of foods to embrace, there are some that are best to cut out all together. Try to avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol which can wreak havoc on your moods.

Exercise is another natural method of treating low serotonin. Some researchers have found that regular exercise, and the increase in physical fitness that results, changes serotonin levels in the brain and contributes to an enhanced feeling of wellbeing and improved mood. Some research indicates that regular exercise boosts body temperature, which may ease depression by influencing the brain chemicals.

Along with the physical benefits, exercises helps boost self-esteem, burns up stress chemicals and encourages a more relaxed state of mind.

So, there are a number of natural methods of treating low serotonin that go beyond the typical prescription of anti depressants. A natural health practitioner will be able to advise the most suitable dietary choices, nutritional supplements and exercise advice to suit your needs and naturally treat low serotonin.

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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