I Believe in Miracles…

I’m sure I’m not the only one whose head launches into a rendition of ‘I believe in miracles…where you from’ (the 1975 hit by Hot Chocolates ‘You Sexy Thing’) when reading the title of this blog.

The term miracle is defined as an occurrance or event that is of supernatural or devine intervention.   Miracles have been documented across all religions and long before. The evolution of our planet and us as human beings; by many is considered a miracle depending where you sit on the theory of evolution.

According to a Gallup poll taken in 1988, 88 percent of the people in the United States believed in miracles.  At the very least they were praying for a miracle after the 1987 stock market crash.

In the results of a survey on spirituality published in the December 1997 issue of Self magazine, 91 percent of the readers who responded answered that they believed in miracles.  Interestingly, the year scientists anounced the sheep Dolly had been successfully cloned!

Miracles can mean many things to different people, the birth of a child, recovering from serious illness or injury, experiences, visions, sightings, life itself and the beauty in the worlds natural wonders.

Needless to say that miracles are occuring all around us all the time.

In the mid 1970s ‘A Course in Miracles’ was first published.  A self-study metaphysical thought system around forgiveness and finding inner peace.  Scribes Helen Schucman and William Thetford were professors of Psychology and educators  at Columbia University’s college of physicians and surgeons.  Helen Schucman considered herself conservative in theory, atheistic in belief and more concerned with professional acceptance and status. A series of events unfolded that lead Helen and William to this work.

I have experienced a few miracles in my life.  A few close calls with my life over the years and a recent chance meeting with an Ascendant Master…  What is an ascendant master I hear you asking?  As did I…

Ascendent Masters are enlightened Spiritual Beings who lived on Earth, faced the same challenges we face today and reunited with God. Today, they serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of spirit. They guide, protect, inspire and heal mankind. They are Teachers in the truest sense of the word.

Through a series of  encounters this man was told of the lump in my breast, was lead to me and performed a healing on me.  My energy instantly elevated and I thanked him for my renewed energy. I continued about my business and thought to myself what a lovely generous human being.

Hours later as I was almost asleep, I began to experience the most painful burning sensation in my breast.  Searing pain that I can only explain as something that would be like pouring peroxide on an open wound.

I could not touch the breast, nor cover it with as much as a sheet.  This awakened me fully and I got up with my head contemplating what could this be and what could I possibly do?  Go to the hospital? Call someone?  The little Helen voice told me to sit with this and not to go into fear.

My mind darted around then I considered it was  something this man Umesh Nandwani did when we met.  After a large dose of magnesium I took myself back to bed.  The burning sensation was excruciating.

I lay there and began to visualise the dissolving of cells that do not belong, pictured them fizzling out in a plume of steam like the camp fire when it is extinguished.

I fell asleep and awoke with no pain in the breast at all and the breast tissue softened.

I had opportunity to attend Umesh’s program in Melbourne and asked him about this experience.  Umesh teaches that we all have the ability to heal however the modern world and pace with which we live has disconnected our physical bodies from the energy of the earth.

There is no doubt the earth is awakening and changing pace rapidly. Our challenge is to not be left behind nor leave each other behind.

Keep a look out for the miracles occurring all around you right now.

Helen McCumisky

Helen McCumisky

After completing studies in nutrition and life coaching. Helen's current areas of research and interest are epigenetics, psycho-neuro immunology and hormones. Helen has developed a unique five-step program that strengthens the immune system and creates an inspired emotional state where clients take 100 per cent responsibility for their health and lifestyle choices. The mission for Helen's business Leading Edge Lifestyle is the pursuit of Freedom: physical, emotional and spiritual.

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