Footprints in the sand

Forget not the Earth longs to feel the souls of your feet

The title of this blog is a play on one of my favourite quotes by Khalil Gibran, author of The Prophet: “Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet”.

In a world where people are suffering greatly from the pace, pain and confusion of life in a highly pressured society, getting grounded can be a way to start feeling more at ease.

Sometimes it’s not about just trying to be in touch with nature, but actually doing it. Physically. You sit in a city park to eat your lunch but have you taken your shoes off recently to feel the soft grass? You walk down the beach enjoying the waves and sunset but when is the last time you sank your toes into the beautiful, grainy sand and allowed the salty water to ripple over your bare toes ?

Earthing, or grounding, is touted as one of the most important ways for our human bodies to calm and rebalance. There is endless research explaining the benefits from lowering your heart rate to minimising electrical pollution.

In a world where people are suffering greatly from the pace, pain and confusion of life in a highly pressured society, getting grounded can be a way to start feeling more at ease.

The Journal of Environmental and Public Health article Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons (12 January 2012) cites “Omnipresent throughout the environment is a surprisingly beneficial, yet overlooked global resource for health maintenance, disease prevention, and clinical therapy: the surface of the Earth itself.

“It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons.”

It further explains the Earth’s limitless free electrons can “create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems”.

But do we really need the science to prove how delicious it feels when the Earth massaging our soles ?

When we get grounded with our Earth we can physically feel the strength of our universe through our feet.

It is an awesome thought: such a beautiful healing mechanism is everywhere, all of the time.

And while we stand firmly with the skin on the soles of our feet kissing our Earth, we need truly know we are constantly in connection with this miraculous planet of spinning energy particles and be aware of our vitally important and eternal place in this universe.

Each of us is not just one of billions of people – we are as unique as each grain of sand squishing between our toes.

Despite feeling disconnected through living in a house, driving a car or working in an office, we are actually never separated from nature.

By ensuring a daily skin to Earth connection – something our ancestors lived constantly – we reignite our harmonious and ancient significance.

Warmest Renee


Disclaimer: this blog post is intended as a beautiful and thought-provoking article for entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for medical care.  No representations are made as to the completeness of any information and the author is not liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the use of this information.


Renee Bes

Renee Bes

Renee Bes is an international journalist and author who loves delving into the spiral of energy which keeps our Earth spinning: and believes storytelling with a focus on beloved language and powerful words can be a healing journey. Read more articles on her personal website and blog.

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