Self-care practices

6 simple self-care practices

November is already here and I don’t know about you but at this time of the year time always seems to speed up. Our to do lists are a mile long and at the end is the holiday season. If you are already starting to cram more into your days and staying up even later to do them then this post is for you. Simple self-care practices that are easy to integrate in our daily lives are so important in order to live happy and healthy lives.

There is always enough time for the things that matter the most.

No matter how you feel give yourself some space inside to feel it fully.

When you remember this you can relax and allow life to guide you with so much more ease than you have previously experienced. Today I am sharing some of my favourite self-care practices to press pause and take really good care of myself. Because we’re worth it ;).

  1. Take a moment to tune in to your body. How does it feel? If your shoulders are tense, take a few minutes to roll them back and forward. Notice your breathing and take a couple of deep breaths with your belly.
  2. Give your body some love. When was the last time you took care of your body? How about massaging your feet with a gorgeous oil or scrubbing your body with a lovely, natural body scrub? Give yourself enough time for this and do it with love.
  3. Connect with your feelings. How do you feel right now? Happy, nervous, tired or angry? No matter how you feel give yourself some space inside to feel it fully. Breathe into it.
  4. Release anything that is painful or heavy. If you feel overwhelmed or crippled by self-doubt, take a moment to acknowledge these feelings. Embrace them and let them go. Take deep breaths and allow yourself to release on each exhale.
  5. Tap into your deepest desire. What would you love to do or feel right now? Open up to what you truly desire and don’t overthink this. Then ask yourself how you can fulfill this desire. If you crave freedom maybe you can go on an improvised adventure. Or spend your next weekend visiting a new place you’ve always wanted to go to. No desire is too small or too big. Go for it!
  6. Do something creative. When you tap into your creativity you open up to so much inner guidance and joy. Maybe you loved drawing or dancing when you were younger. Let go of having to do it well and just have fun exploring and playing with this.

Now don’t let these just be more ideas to be added to your already full to do list. Choose at least one of the practices I mentioned above and implement it today. You can also find more ways to slow down and go within in this earlier post of mine.

I’m taking a moment right now to check in with my body. My back is a bit tense so I’m doing a couple of yoga poses to help it relax and stretch. How about you? Which one will you try today? Please share in the comments.

With so much love and joy,

Karina Signature

PS: You are amazing just as you are. Remember this and honour your mind, body and spirit. Shower yourself with love and receive it with open arms.

Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet is a soulful and creative mum, intuitive reader, coach, writer and teacher who helps women to trust and develop their own intuition. She offers intuitive readings and coaching, and teaches people how to communicate with their spirit guides both online and in Europe and Australia. Karina is also passionate about spreading messages of love and soulful living and she's a regular writer for Wild Sister magazine and also writes for a number of websites that focus on intuition, wellness, parenting, soulful living and spirituality. Her mission is to support people who long for a more inspired and meaningful life and this is something she also embodies in her own life. After years spent working in the corporate world as a communications manager and living in many different countries, Karina is now happy living her dream life. She is a mum to two young children and the wife to an amazing French husband and she spends her time enjoying a simple life in a village in the south of France.

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